Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : AUGUST ABOLINS From : THURSTON ACKERMAN Date : Sat Sep 25 2004 06:01 pm AA>On , in a message to Rob Swindell you wrote: AA> JW> I actually stumbled across this OLR called SemPoint. I've never AA> JW> heard of it, but man is it neat. Rather than just doing the old "get a AA> JW> packet, read a packet, save reply packet" deal, it builds a AA> JW> message base on my computer. Every packet I download AA> JW> gets added to the existing messages, so that I can AA> JW> reference old messages right in the program. It's got a ton of AA> JW> options that I like, handles BW/QWK and some other types. All in all AA> JW> pretty neat. AA>I was going to recommend SemPoint. I'm glad you were able to discover it. AA>have used it since 1992 (I think). As you discovered, it handles QWK packet AA>messages like a database. You never have to worry about managing individual AA>packets. I use it in "Fidonet" mode by fetching actual fido-type packets fr AA>a fido "feed". AA>I had a little trouble setting it up on an XP machine for a relative, but it AA>works just fine and reliably on my WinME machine. What Windows version are AA>you using it with? It should have no trouble in Win98/SE AA> JW> Of course, everything looks neat in the beginning, we'll see how it AA> JW> turns out :) AA>It's loaded with features that I have not fully explored yet! But if you ha AA>any questions, maybe I can help. Where might one acquire a copy of SempPoint please? Ciao, Ack. --- þ SLMR 2.1a þ If Murphy's law can go wrong, will it? * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140) .