Subj : Re: Offline Mail Reader To : August Abolins From : Jon Watson Date : Sat Sep 25 2004 09:57 pm August Abolins wrote to Jon Watson: AA> I was going to recommend SemPoint. I'm glad you were able to discover it. AA> I have used it since 1992 (I think). As you discovered, it handles QWK AA> packet messages like a database. You never have to worry about managing AA> individual packets. I use it in "Fidonet" mode by fetching actual AA> fido-type packets from a fido "feed". I've actually deleted it at this time. I really liked it, it had a lot of neat features, but I found it unreliable. For example, whenever I clicked on another application to bring it to the front (in windows), Sempoint would give me a runtime error and crash. As well I found that about 50% of the time it would corrupt the packets - each of my areas would show up with the same messages in them. I tried reinstalling it...deleting my BBS and re-adding it...everything I could think of, but eventually it became clear that it was unreliable and I had to get rid of it. So, I'm back using BlueMail but I really woud like a Windows application to do offline mail with. - HeatSink MFWIC; The HeatSink BBS Calgary, Alberta, Canada, eh? --- MBSE BBS v0.61.4 (GNU/Linux-i386) * Origin: telnet:// -=Calgary,AB,Canada =- (1:134/703) .