Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Robert E Starr Jr From : August Abolins Date : Wed Sep 29 2004 12:01 am Hi Robert (of 1:14/400), On Tue, 28 Sep 04 at 16:13 o'clock, you wrote me: AA>> TA> Where might one acquire a copy of SempPoint please? AA>> RESJ> I wasn't going to use it but put it in my bbs files area, the url RESJ> works, but the file (the ftp & http) ones didn't, got The page RESJ> cannot be displayed messages Bummer!!! I just checked that myself. And.. I don't seem to have a copy of the acrchive on this pc. However, I just found a copy of it at: It's also at: (Use the File search) ....August --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: . (1:229/390) .