Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Vasja Pupkin From : Andy Alt Date : Thu Oct 07 2004 11:07 am -[ VASJA PUPKIN tossed some words to ALL on 10-06-04 19:06 ]- VP> Hello ALL! VP> I try to install offline reader called mm (under Linux) but don't have VP> much like due to missunderstanding somethings. VP> How can I download QWK packets? What protocol should I use for this? VP> (ansi?). BBS software keeps saying the following: VP> Would you like to receive this packet? VP> [Y]es, [N]o, [G]oodbye after transfer? [Y] VP> y VP> Compressing AMATEUR.QWK, please wait... VP> [A] Ascii [X] Xmodem [C] Xmodem/CRC [F] Xmodem/1K VP> [O] Xmodem/1KG [Y] Ymodem [G] Ymodem/G [K] Kermit VP> [Z] Zmodem VP> Select a file transfer protocol? [y] VP> Start your Ymodem download now... VP> Transfer unsuccessful, message pointers NOT updated. VP> Thanks! VP> PS Please, send the duplicate of the reply to my netmail: I may not VP> find this echo again. ) You'd get notified a reply on your next log-in. :) From the Linux console, you'd not be able to download packets using the standard telnet command. Are you going thru the Linux console, KDE, Gnome, etc? If you're doing it from the console, I'd suggest using minicom with modemu, and you can find some pretty detailed information on it on the Amateur BBS web site I use multi-mail for Linux as well. For protocols, I'd recommend using zmodem for downloading, and not ymodem though. Just select zmodem on the BBS, then most term programs will detect it automatically and start downloading using the same protocol (zmodem). This message has been brought to you courtesy of Andy If replying by netmail, please address to 1:261/38 --- MultiMail/Linux v0.46 * Origin: USA - Amateur BBS - (1:14/250) .