Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : mark lewis Date : Fri Oct 08 2004 09:55 pm ml>> errrmmmm... as i recently described and explained ml>> to another party in some echo, you can copy and ml>> paste to/from DOS and windows apps with relative ml>> ease... i do it all the time and the only ml>> "complaint" i have is that i can only copy a DOS ml>> window one screen at a time... JW> can be done - but it's annoying. I run JW> at a 1024x768 resolution as do i in the graphical stuffs... my DOS prompt, though, is set to 50 line mode... JW> and multi-mail and it's ilk run at 640x480 so all JW> I get is this little dos window to read my mail in. if you're running the DOS version of multimail, it should be able to run width the default settings of the prompt window... it does on my system... JW> Hence why I am seraching for a Windows based reader. i've not been able to try the windows version of multi-mail because my virus scanner thinks that it contains a virus and i've not disabled my scanner to test it... but i would imagine that it is either a console mode app which should be able to run in the existing settings (80x50 on my boxen) or if it is a GUI then that's your answer ;) ml>> JW> Using a DOS one (I know some of the readers sell themselves ml>> JW> as Windows programs but they still open up in a DOS windows) ml>> ml>> errrmmm... you cannot rely on the lack of a GUI appearance ml>> to determine if an app is running in a DOS box or not... ml>> there are many text mode native windows apps out there... ml>> FWIW: its called console mode... JW> True - console mode apps exist, but really...they're poor. in what manner? i run all sorts of them here and even have several of my own self-developed apps converted to console mode with no problems... in fact, they use much less system resources than GUI versions and that's a GoodThing(tm) in my book... JW> Why disregard all the power of the supplied GUI what power? why do you think they keep developing faster video and CPU chips? because there's not that much power in GUI stuff... there is, however, a lot more data to manipulate... a couple of orders of magnitude in most cases... JW> and use a 3GL to code a console app? 3GL? good grief! what's wrong with 1GL or 2GL stuffs? and i see things now about 4GL and even 5GL JW> I mean, if was creating an app that had little or no user JW> interfation then console mode is an appropriate choice, JW> but it's a poor choice for an offline mail reader. i don't agree but then i'm not one to follow the rest of the lemmings^Werr... blind folk and go for pretty when functional should be the utmost item on the list... winwhatever is a perfect example, too... sure it's pretty but look at all the bigs and security holes... JW> For the sake of clarity I'll start describing my preferences JW> as a Gui based reader instead of a Windows based reader. maybe you should try out the GUI win-native version of multimail? JW> Actually, this whole conversation is moot since I've JW> replicated my echoes to my website :) Check it out... JW> i might drop by and check it out... what method have you employed in getting them available via a browser?? remember, the WEB is html/http stuff /only/ ;) )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .