Subj : Re: Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Robert E Starr JR Date : Sat Oct 09 2004 11:52 am In a reply from Jon Watson on 14:49 about Re: Offline Mail Reader JW> mark lewis wrote to Jon Watson: JW> ml> JW> My search is for a Windows based reader. I'd like to have a JW> ml> JW> Windows based reader because it makes it a lot easier to JW> ml> JW> paste log segments and the like. JW> ml> errrmmmm... as i recently described and explained to another party in JW> some JW> ml> echo, you can copy and paste to/from DOS and windows apps with relative JW> ml> ease... i do it all the time and the only "complaint" i have is that i JW> can JW> ml> only copy a DOS window one screen at a time... JW> can be done - but it's annoying. I run at a 1024x768 resolution JW> and JW> multi-mail and it's ilk run at 640x480 so all I get is this little dos JW> window to read my mail in. JW> Hence why I am seraching for a Windows based reader. you might setup the dos version of multimail, then play with the pif file and then put the window version on top of it, it works (that what I did) Rob Starr Lord Time SysOp of Time Warp of the Future BBS Telnet : Time.Darktech.Org Timewarpfuture.Dyndns.Org (backup) ICQ #11868133 or 70398519 Yahoo : lordtime2000 AIM : LordTime20000 MSN : Lord Time þ CMPQwk 1.42 16554 þ I'm busier than a cat in a Litter Box!!! --- SBBSecho 2.10-Win32 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS (1:14/400) .