Subj : Re: Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Holger Granholm Date : Sat Oct 09 2004 10:05 pm In a message dated 10-08-04, Jon Watson said to mark lewis: Hello Jon, JW> can be done - but it's annoying. I run at a 1024x768 JW>resolution and multi-mail and it's ilk run at 640x480 so all I get JW>is this little dos window to read my mail in. I start MultiMail from the icon with the following command file: mode co80,40 mm.exe exit This way I can set the display of multimail to any resolution I want. Have a nice day, Holger ___ * MR/2 2.30 * This OS/2 system uptime is 651 days 23:49 hours (en). --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2 * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228) .