Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : mark lewis Date : Mon Oct 11 2004 11:59 am JW>> Problem is that in fixing the ugly BBCode quote problem JW>> mentioned above - the original SMF message ID is gone - JW>> thus the child/parent link used for threading is also JW>> gone. >>can't carry the MSGID/REPLY control lines over via X- header >>lines and use them? should be able to... JW> I'm considering that but, and you may know more about this JW> than I, I'm concerned...well, skeptical actually, of the JW> liklihood of those X headers making it back to my system after JW> bouncing through every other node out there. Do you have any JW> thoughts on how likely that is? why would X- headers bounce around any system other than yours? fido messages come in with MSGID and/or REPLY control lines... in your conversion process, convert them to X-FTN-MSGID and X-FTN-REPLY (or whatever is already in use 'cause i know this is already being done) and thread on them when you import into your sql database... on export, you convert them back to standard FTN format and thus, there are no X- headers bouncing around outside your system... FWIW: the conversion of the control lines may be already being done depending on the software you are using to convert from FTN to email... FWIW2: i think it would be best to do FTN stuffs in the FTN way instead of converting back and forth to fit some other format... why generate MSGID numbers just to throw them away and use something else locally? pull the messages out of the binary FTN PKT file and spit them into a properly designed database that recognises and works properly with FTN tech... then write or convert a "bbs" package to work with /that/... the current methods remind me too much of the mess we have with QWK tech in the FTN networks that breaks many things and causes many problems... "but it is just a message!" fooey! it goes a lot deeper than just skin deep ;) i like phpBB and use it on my site but i won't try shoving FTN into that mainly due to the structural differences... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .