Subj : Re: Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Sean Dennis Date : Tue Oct 12 2004 11:14 am --> Quoting Jon Watson from a message to mark lewis <-- JW> another web forum software package to handle FTN messages. I'm JW> interested in taking something that your average web user JW> (read.."OMG..What's that BLACK SCREEN?!?!?") is used to and JW> comfortable with and using it to provide FTN echoes. There are many IMNSHO, if they're not smart enough to use a simple text-based menuing system (a la a BBS), then I don't want to deal with them in my system. :) Unfortunately, in all of my tech support and PC tech experience, a majority of computer users are quite stupid and unwilling to catch on to the simplest of ideas. As if using a text-based menuing system is so hard. Again, unfortunately, it is the dawn of the GUI in the early '90s that "dumbed down" a majority of the computer user population. We sysops and BBS users are but a tiny percentage of computer users. I figure if they don't know how to spell "cool" or use another emotion besides "LOL", I don't need them using my system. Again, just my two cents' worth and not trying to get into you and Mark's thread... I just had to say what I said though. :) I've actually gotten paged at 9:15 PM on a Friday night because of a (then) new user could't figure out to log off. At every single menu in my board, there is the (G)oodbye command on the screen. Guess she couldn't figure it out because there was no "Goodbye" button to click... maybe I should set up RIP screens on my board? :) Later, Sean --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Outpost BBS - (1:18/200) .