Subj : Re: Web access BBSs To : Bill Gordon From : haliphax Date : Tue Oct 12 2004 02:00 pm BG> Are there any web-access BBSs, other than EleWeb (EleBBS)? I think I read BG> time that Synchronet was planning on it, but have seen nothing since then, BG> WildCat is too expensive just for a hobby. synchronet will be, soon. the ftp interface is already html... it's only a matter of time before digital man makes the entire package capable. i plan on writing a php-driven message system that will mirror the JAM bases on my board, but that's a ways off. |07 --haliphax |15//|07rMRS |02 |07 vanguard mods --- Mystic BBS v1.07.3 (Win32) * Origin: constipation of the mind :: (1:2800/18) .