Subj : Web access BBSs To : Bill Gordon From : Albano De Manuel Date : Wed Oct 13 2004 01:43 am ­Hola Bill! El Martes 12 Octubre 2004 a las 11:55, Bill Gordon escribi˘ a All: BG> Are there any web-access BBSs, other than EleWeb (EleBBS)? I think I BG> read one time that Synchronet was planning on it, but have seen BG> nothing since then, and WildCat is too expensive just for a hobby. Yes, at least BBBS (Linux) and Meltdown. Saludos, Albano de Manuel FidoNet 2:341/201 telnet:// --- FMail/Win32 1.60 * Origin: Pucela BBS - telnet:// - FidoNet (2:341/201) .