Subj : Offline Mail Reader To : Jon Watson From : Andy Ball Date : Wed Oct 13 2004 03:28 am Hello Jon, JW> can be done - but it's annoying. I run at a > 1024x768 resolution and multi-mail and it's ilk run at > 640x480 so all I get is this little dos window to read > my mail in. You should be able to change the font used by your DOS window, and may also be able to change the number of rows that it uses. For example I tend to run SLMR in an 80x50 window (or 80x50 full screen) on machines with a large display (the batch file that launches it contains "MODE CON LINES=50"). - Andy Ball. * SLMR 2.1a * --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5 # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by (8:8/2) * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .