Subj : DOStelnet u/l's by zmodem To : NANCY BACKUS From : WAYNE CHIRNSIDE Date : Wed Oct 13 2004 10:53 am -=> NANCY BACKUS wrote to ALL <=- TE: telnet from DOS. NB> I'm back... I've tested this now on all sorts of BBS software, NB> and it works consistently... Wildcat ver 4 and 5, Synchronet, NB> Mystic, Renegade, and Telegard are the ones that I have access to NB> at the moment and have tested it on. It works a lot faster than NB> the kermit I had been using for u/l's, too... :) He's uploaded NB> his program to Chowdanet BBS already, so it should be available NB> there. So what's the name of the file? --- MultiMail/PBellDOS v0.42 * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-6036 (1:10/345) .