Subj : Keyboard question PET/CBM 4016 series / Label missing To : All From : Armin Hierstetter Date : Mon Feb 01 2021 01:56 pm Hello, I boght a 4016 today which is in awesome nick – except the keyboard that needs a bit of attention. The SHIFT LOCK key does not work (broken, can not be repaired) and some keys are "sticky" although thoroughly cleaned. Any tips for a more effective cleaning of the keyboard? If not: Anybody got a source for NOS? Bonus question: The 4016 misses it's front label (the big black one that says Commodore CBM 4016 computer". Any idea if someone makes repros? Best Armin --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .