Subj : Seeking help on deciphering if this is code that makes sense on a C64 To : All From : Sanford Dickert Date : Fri Feb 05 2021 05:18 pm Hey all - Long time since I played with a C64 (and this is going back to 1982, mind you). I have a screenshot of what looks like a dump of binary before starting up in a C64 screen. Have any of you seen something like this? Do you know what the columns mean or what they could be signifying? I "think" the last column is the value column (8-bits) and the 2-5 columns MAY be the address spec (2+4+4+6) but I can not be sure since I do not know if the emulator will make it work. And the first column - no clue. The data is here: And the screenshot is here: Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks! Sanford --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .