Subj : Re: Converting PETSCII to (animated) GIF or (A)PNG To : Rob Swindell From : Tristan Miller Date : Sun Jun 06 2021 08:20 pm Greetings. On 04/06/2021 11.35, Rob Swindell wrote: > Re: Converting PETSCII to (animated) GIF or (A)PNG > By: Tristan Miller to All on Tue Jun 01 2021 09:18 am > > > Greetings. > > > > In the early 1990s I used to run a BBS that hosted many SEQ files > > containing PETSCII graphics, including C64 colour and cursor control > > codes. When the files were transmitted to users at 1200 baud, they > > produced clever and beautiful animations. > > Do you happen to have an archive of those SEQ files available for download > somwhere? They'd be useful to demo/test the PETSCII support in my BBS software > ( No, just what I have on floppies somewhere. I haven't yet gotten around to copying them to a modern PC, in part because I don't have one of those specially modified drives that would let me read the flip-side of a double-sided disk with Kryoflux. Regards, Tristan -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tristan Miller Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .