Subj : Re: Less than 2 months to CLASS 2021! To : All From : Robert Bernardo Date : Fri Sep 17 2021 06:21 pm In more sobering news, Los Angeles County has announced it is requiring certain venues, like bars, to require customers have Covid vaccine verification and to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 4. Without vaccine verification, customers cannot enter. The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show is held in the Burbank VFW hall, and half of that hall is a full bar, the bar only separated from the rest of the hall by a wall and an inner door. There are two West Magnolia Blvd. entrances to the building, one to the bar and one directly to our side of the hall. By the time of CLASS, if you enter from the street and into the bar in order to go to our show, you will have to show proof of full vaccination. If you enter from the street through the door directly leading to our side of the hall, then showing proof is not required (yet). You are strongly recommended to be fully vaccinated when coming to CLASS. Back in California, Robert Bernardo organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .