Subj : Any links or advice re. How to get the best video from C128? To : All From : Kenzo Date : Tue May 10 2022 10:52 am I don't want to buy a CRT for many reasons. So I am stuck with composite, VGA, and HDMI led monitors. Is there any way to get high quality 80 columns from a C128 into those types of monitors? What is the recommended way to get the best video quality from C128 into those monitors? The composite output I am using now in 40 column mode is tolerable but far from great. There is a fair amount of color fringing. And then the HIRES is quite "jaggy" on diagonal lines. I expect to be using the new FORTH system that is known to be quite fast, so I think HIRES will be a fun option if the quality is good. --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .