Subj : Re: What's happening to Comp.Sys.Sinclair and Acorn? To : Jan van den Broek From : Anssi Saari Date : Mon Oct 30 2023 09:28 pm Jan van den Broek writes: > But to get a bit on-topic, here is a Basic-program: > 10 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0 > 20 s$="acgt" > 30 c$=chr$(28)+chr$(30)+chr$(31)+chr$(158) > 40 r=1+int(rnd(0)*4) > 50 print mid$(c$,r,1);mid$(s$,r,1); > 60 goto 40 Pretty cool. So what's a convenient command line way to get from an ascii basic listing to a prg inside a d64 image? After some looking I used tok64 and c1541. Second place was bastext to t64 and then to d64 via c1541 but I was weirded out since it seems the only binary output bastext is willing to do is a t64 file. And while c1541 should handle those, it didn't in this case. --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .