Subj : Commodore Retro eXpo 2018 Aug 24-26th LAS VEGAS! To : All From : omnicron10 Date : Sun Aug 19 2018 07:22 pm Only one week till CRX Show this year the Plaza Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas. Rooms are still available for around $200 for the whole weekend! For show information see: For Hotel reservations check out: THIS IS THE BEST COMMODORE EVENT IN THE USA! With over 5000 sq ft of Commodore hardware and software. This event should not be missed by a true commodore fan! This year theme is "Modern Retro". Come see some of the newest Commodore 8 bit and Amiga 16/32 bit hardware in person. SHOW IS FREE TO ATTEND! Don't miss out! --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .