Subj : Copy Arkanoid I with 1541 Ramboard To : All From : Date : Wed Feb 06 2019 07:12 pm Hi I have a 1541 Ramboard have had success with backing up most games. I had tried Arkanoid I with Ramboard Nibbler standard settings, did not adjust the drive speed lower but the drive just sat there spinning and then did not quit spinning what is the best course of action to be able to remove the disk and not risk corrupting the original disk? Arkanoid I and II uses V-Max what Ramboard Nibbler settings and drive speed would possibly work to make a backup of this game. I found a post about someone else trying to find information about adding a potentiometer to a 1571 drive to slow down the drive speed I too have been trying to find something and was wondering if someone has found anything? Does the 1571 just have a sensor that automatically adjust the drive speed where it needs to be set? Tim Harris in the U.K. bought the rights to Maverick copier and the Ramboard just wanted to pass this on, Tim last I knew only has a blog though and no website. Terry Raymond --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .