Subj : Musicalc 1983 To : All From : Terry Raymond Date : Sun Feb 17 2019 06:33 pm Hi all, I received tons of .D64 images of older C64 midi Software. Right now Im trying out Musicalc written by Waveform in 1983. I tried booting from the image no go it loads about halfway and just stops and I thought that Musicalc may be copy protected because some copy protection checks and if a copy will probably stop, etc. I checked Fast Hackem and Maverick parameters and they don't even list anything under Musicalc, nothing. (parms). Would anyone know anything about Waveform protection or a way to try editing disk sectors etc? Again I don't have the original of this its just a .d64 image, and BTW I use CBM Command to write the disk image back to a real 1541 formatted disk. I do have the Maverick V5.4 with a good disk editor if anybody knows how to edit Waveform protection (For my own backups only). :D Musicalc has a timer that takes around 2 minutes to load with this .d64 image it only gets as far as 1min 40 seconds and it just stops completely. I recognize this as being protected because some protection if it detects the disk is a copy then it will do this and stops like a mule. Would a disk scan help anybody to determine what is going on? When it comes though to disk editors I dunno Im willing to try though, of course I have the original .d64 and can make another floppy of this, or just use a copy of course if I goof it up, etc. Terry Raymond --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .