Subj : Real C64'S/C128 Compute Gazette Sid Collection To : All From : Terry Raymond Date : Thu Sep 06 2018 02:17 pm It's here The real Compute Gazette Sid Collection for real C64'S/ C128's mono Sid's and Enhanced Stereo Sid music for downloading: move down to C64 version that contains: The utilities should contain most of the players & editors. Plain Sid's and .d81 images both are very large downloads. There is UNZIP64V214 to load on a C64 only unzip the large .zip archive the drawback is you will need a large disk drive. C=1581 may not be enough disk space CMD FD-2000 using Native mode partitions possibly? CMD HD using Native mode partitions UIEC2SD: create directory unzip archive here CMD Ramlink possibly MMC not sure You could do the unpacking on a PC transfer each Sid artist files at a time. If anyone has any problems with some songs not showing up in the player please let me know which Sid Author and the songs that don't appear. I cannot revive corrupted or bad files. Enjoy this collection. --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .