Subj : Re: Commodore 65 for sale on Ebay To : Andreas Kohlbach From : Ben Ritchey Date : Thu May 09 2019 05:38 pm * * On Thursday 09 May 2019 129 at 04:20 PM, * Andreas Kohlbach said to All, * about Re: Commodore 65 for sale on Ebay ... * Current bid is $17,501 (E15,600) with 8 days left {chuckle} .- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------. | | | Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|ssh:// | | | | vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at) | | { O O } Home page: | | __m___oo___m__ | `--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------' .... A Belgian is a hell living on Earth. --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-g20180902 + Mystic v1.12 A43 Win32 * Origin: FIDONet - Positronium: telnet:// (+SSH) (1:393/68) .