Subj : SpeedCalc 2019 To : All From : Date : Tue May 14 2019 10:04 pm SpeedCalc 2019 is the enhanced version of the SpeedCalc spreadsheet program for the Commodore 64 and 128. .. Runs on EPROM or standalone .. Supports 2MHz in the C64 mode of C128 .. Exits to Final III+ desktop (if any) SpeedCalc 2019 comes in two forms: Cartridge and Normal PRG. You can burn the cartridge version into an 8K EPROM or into EasyFlash, IRQhack64, etc. and use it as a plug-and-calculate software. The archive includes the following: speedcalc2019.bin : 8192 bytes EPROM image. speedcalc19.crt : CRT format EPROM image. speedcalc19.prg : Exomized, normal .PRG file for load+run. --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .