Subj : CGSC Sid music: Loading Sid music on UIEC2SD setup To : All From : Terry Raymond Date : Tue May 21 2019 03:21 pm Hi all who enjoy listening to the older Compute Gazette Sid Music and this pertains to the update I worked on to be able to enjoy the Q-Link Sid music, and Stereo Sids. While I was working on this project I discovered that Jim Brain's UIEC 2 SD can actually Load the Sid song and play it, and if you have the faster version of CMD's Jiffy Dos really benefits from loading speed. For those whom haven't discovered how to make the UIEC work with mainly the STEREO PLAYER V10.3 The problem is the UIEC does not support FAST LOAD there is a way to shut this off in the Stereo player so heres my way of configuring the Stereo Player: In C64 basic using DOS commands change the device number (for those who don't know how to) Lets say your UIEC is set at Device#10 we need to change it to Device#8 for the player: OPEN1,10,15,"U0>"+CHR$(8):CLOSE1 To save this OPEN1,8,15,"XW":CLOSE1 In the Stereo Player files there is a file there called SID.CONFIG (something similar) Delete that file, this contains the last known configuration we will get rid of those. Boot the Stereo player LOAD"STEREOPLAYERV10.3",8,1 (PRESS ENTER KEY) If you don't have Jiffy Dos or a Super CPU just be patient its slow, but not locked up. Now press the C= logo key Halfway down is a setting: FASTLOAD turn this off(for any of the UIEC models). Set the Disk Drive setting to Device8 or 9 either will work. Right at the top is the back left arrow key, press that to save the current settings. Now whenever you boot youre all set and youre UIEC should load Sid songs just fine. Most may have possibly figured this out but for those that haven't well I wanted to pass this on to help. Again with Jiffy Dos on the UIEC is really very fast. To get the updated work I did again with the CGSC Sid Collection go to: Go down to REAL C64 version mentions my name Terry Raymonds work on this. I really do hope most have enjoyed being able to play ALL of the Q-Link MONO and Stereo Sid music on a REAL C=64 or C=128 was my goal to help the Commodore scene, mainly to enjoy All of the collection. Again the problem was large filenames on some of the songs exceeded the 16 character file limit, chopping off the .Mus, .STR and .WDS extensions, resulting in the songs not showing up in ANY of the players, now this is fixed since last August. I hope most enjoy this and appreciate my efforts, I know I do and really enjoy this, wow did Q-link ever have a lot of uploaded Sid music. Enjoy... I removed my email address but if there are any problems please do inform Peter Weighill by email. Have fun Sidding. --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .