Subj : Re: Amiga Offline Mail Readers To : Simon Geddes From : Grant Taylor Date : Fri Aug 16 2019 09:31 pm On 8/15/19 5:58 PM, Simon Geddes wrote: > Hi, Hi, > I've been experimenting with some offline mail readers - namely > Q-Blue 2.4 and NesQWK. Both seem to work well, and Q-Blue has the > added advantage of supporting BlueWave packets. I've been out of > the Amiga BBSing world for a long time, so not sure what the current > recommendation is for offline readers. I've read about the existence > of QWKE. Do any Amiga readers support this? Wasn't QWK files (packets?) something from BBSs? I would think that you would need something, like a BBS, to receive the email, package it up, for you to then download it from, read / reply / compose offline, and then subsequently upload to the BBS. So, what is going to be the server (BBS) side that you exchange email with? Will it handle your SMTP email? Chances are good that I'm completely wrong. In which case, I'd like to read a correction and learn something. > Thanks! You're welcome. -- Grant. . . . unix || die --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .