Subj : Re: got my c64 To : Shane O'Neill From : Ed Vance Date : Fri Aug 30 2019 06:42 am 08-29-19 19:55 Shane O'Neill wrote to Daniel about Re: got my c64 Howdy! Shane and Daniel, SO> @MSGID: <> SO> @REPLY: <> Da> > Do you really intend to get a tape drive? The cassette deck thingy that Da> > most people hated? IMO, the only use for that thing today would be to Da> > read any old C64 cassettes you still have around. Da> Da> Yeah I intend to get the thingy most people hated. Even if I never use Da> it, I want one. I also want the printer, though I'm not sure if it would Da> work and even if it did if I could get printer tape for it still. SO> I'm with you on the thingy most people hated. 2 years ago I picked up SO> a mint Data-Corder Cassette 5880 to replace the one I had back in 1984. SO> I was excited after I got it and it loaded Temple Of Apshai! I remember reading an article/project in a Popular Electronics magazine that used a 7414 I.C. circuit to connect to the C=64 Cassette Port and to the Cassette Tape Recorder's Mike and Speaker Jacks to Save and Load files. IIRC the + and - power to run the Circuit came from Pins on the Cassette Port through a small piece cut off of a Printed Circuit Connector. The Data To and From the 7414 Circuit also passed through Pins on that Connector. Someone after Church told me that it wasn't fun typing Programs in, RUNning them, and losing the program when they turned the 64 OFF. I told them about the 7414 project in P-E, they made the circuit and began Saving Programs on Cassette Tape(s). UNTIL "I" got a C=64 and 1541 FDD and they saw how fast Saving a File to Floppy Disk was. In a few days they got their own 1541 drive. 73 de Ed W9ODR . . .... Have you checked your smoke detector batteries & Fire Ext, LATELY?! --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .