Subj : Finally getting started To : All From : Daniel Date : Sun Sep 08 2019 05:48 pm Well I am two weeks before my connector arrives for my newly acquired c64. It sits in its original box on the guest bed until then. Meanwhile, I've been pouring over basic and assembly ebooks. On youtube i was trying to get a c64 emulator working for kubuntu when i happened upon a video recommendation for something i've already seen. For kicks i thought i'd rewatch it. 8 bit guy did a review of the c64 mini. So i'm watching it and, lo and behold, i noticed that it comes with basic! I know gamestop carries the device and its on sale so i ran out there a bit ago and picked it up. I'm gleefully sitting at my computer desk with the mini sitting behind my normal monitor and got a usb keyboard connected to it. and now i'm able to learn basic and assembly on the 'real thing' without pulling it out of the box. now i can take my time obtaining the parts i've been eagerly waiting to buy. wish i had thought of this a month ago. Daniel Traechin --- SBBSecho 3.09-Win32 * Origin: Digital Distortion: (1:340/7) .