Subj : Re: C= WiFi Modems To : Martin Brunner From : Gary McCulloch Date : Wed Nov 13 2019 07:09 pm Wed 13-Nov-2019 11:00a MB> However, once you have your Terminal is ready, you'd be able to transfer MB> other MB> software from BBS you can connect to. This is what I was thinking also. Get a Modem and then get the software from BBSes. Just one Term program is needed to get you started. I think I may start to seperate my files here for D64 and Raw for downloading. / JoinLink - AmigaNet - ArakNet - C=Net - FidoNet - RetroNet. / Multi-Terminal Support: ANSI Ascii & Skypix! 40/80 Columns. --- CNet/5 * Origin: Reign of Fire: * (931)494-9100 (1:154/50) .