Subj : Re: C= WiFi Modems To : Bucko From : Frank Linhares Date : Tue Dec 17 2019 12:09 am Bu> Actually, he is posting his messages on FidoNet, someone is crossposting Bu> the messages from the Commodore Echo on FidoNet to the Usenet I have yet to cross any gate software that will allow usenet msgids to match FTN style msgids in order to reference a message you are replying to. I'm posting from a bbs to another user on a bbs via Fidonet. He will see that it is a reply and everyone using usenet will see that it is just a message to All. It's annoying, I know, but it is what it is. I have been working on updating the code of some software that gates between fidonet and usenet. Problem is, someone else is already gating this echo. The last thing I want to do is cause a whole bunch of dupes. |15frank |08// |15netsurge |07disksh0p|08!|07bbs |08% | |08% |07mystic goodness |11SciNet |03ftn hq |08% |07 --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64) * Origin: % disksh0p!bbs % % SciNet ftn hq % (1:229/101) .