Subj : Re: Power C/asm: returnin To : Harry Potter From : Ed Vance Date : Sun Dec 29 2019 08:46 pm 12-28-19 08:20 Harry Potter wrote to All about Re: Power C/asm: returnin Howdy! Harry, Thanks for finding a URL I could get the POWER C Manual from. I noticed there were some Downloads in D64 format. I use a XP computer for the internet and could download those files and Save them on a 720KB disk and then use the MSDOS64 PRG and the 1581 drive to Save them to a 1541 disk with the C=64 PC. That PRG is slow and I wonder if You have a suggestion for another PRG I could download from the Zimmers Net website? Thanks Again and 73 de Ed W9ODR . . HP> @MSGID: <> HP> Try :) HP> --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 HP> * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway HP> (3:770/3) .... Have you checked your smoke detector batteries & Fire Ext, LATELY?! --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .