Subj : Re: Jack Tramiel To : Computer Nerd Kev From : Simon Geddes Date : Wed Jan 22 2020 01:36 pm Re: Re: Jack Tramiel By: Computer Nerd Kev to Andreas Kohlbach on Tue Jan 21 2020 10:17 pm > From a customer's point of view I think you can admire Tramiel much > more than Bill Gates. Tramiel used his ruthless business strategies > to cut costs and therefore be able to profitably sell computers > cheaper than anyone else - opening them up to some home markets that otherwise might have been priced out. Gates just did his best to That really came across in the book I was reading. Most of Commodore thought they should concetrate on high-end PET-level machines, but Jack drove the plan and ambition to do the Vic as a low-cost computer for all. I'm not sure , but I feel this was partly motivated by a sense of public purpose. He apparently hated complex systems and rules, because this is what allowed people to commit horrors like the Holocaust; he apparently thought a mass spread of computers by act as a counter-weight against that. He seems a lot more complex, interesting character than the likes of Gates or the diefied (is that a a word?) Jobs. .