Subj : Jack Tramiel To : Simon Geddes From : Dave Drum Date : Sun Feb 02 2020 06:48 am -=> Simon Geddes wrote to Dave Drum <=- > Jack, who dumped CBM in favour of Atari (nee Tramiel Technology Ltd.) > was just as much about money as Irving (Gould) and Medhi (Ali) who came > after him at Commodore and busted it out for fun and (especially) profit. SG> I don't think he was really dumped. Irving sacked him. Not sure how SG> that's possible, and what the actual reasons were. Some say because he SG> wanted to bring his sons in. Irving said he was worried about JAck's SG> health, and didn't think he was the man to take the company to beyond a SG> billion. They use long, sharp knives and great mendacity in the world of high finance. I missed the palace coup part of the story - but it certainly rings true. SG> Maybe Jack planned to build Atari up to the point where he could buy SG> our Commodore and get his creation back. Something akin to the Steve SG> Jobs story, where he was ousted but found a back route back in. I find/found it ironic that just at the time Jack leapt (for whatever reason(s)) to Atari that CBM acquired Amiga Technologies which Atari had provided the financing to get going. So, Tramiel, who had been sorta kinda thinking of using the Amiga to kick Commode Door's butt had to resort to the ST series (520 and 1040) to try to compete. The ST never was even a near equal to the Amiga. Shame that Gould and Ali smelled more profit$ in bankrupting the company than it continuing - like Apple. .... The Amiga Trinity: Dave Haynie, Jay Miner, Fred Fish --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49 * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12) .