Subj : Re: Color maximite 2 To : Daniel From : Don Lowery Date : Thu Jul 09 2020 01:07 pm Da> DL> Saw it as soon as it came out. Impressive that it was running Da> DL> everything in interpreted BASIC...with the games he was running going Da> DL> as fast/faster than their DOS versions. Da> Indeed. Makes me wonder how those games would run written in assembly. As fast as they were running in Interpreted BASIC...I would expect they would be way too fast to play. Look fantastic...but ASM would probably make them unplayable. Da> It would be a fun platform to learn basic and write some tight modern Da> software. I agree. Just had a thought that if someone got one of some of the old BBS's written in BASIC & set it up for this box. For that could get Ahl's books online as PDF's. Setup stuff like this on the system. ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Windows/32) * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users. (1:340/1000) .