Subj : Magicjack and Modem test results To : Bill Burton From : Gene Buckle Date : Tue Jan 29 2013 07:39 am Re: Magicjack and Modem test results By: Bill Burton to Gene Buckle on Mon Jan 28 2013 11:22 am > I have not tried that because my thoughts are unless you are running a dual > quad core processor on an OS that suooprts using all the cores and lots of > memory is that you would slow the PC down so much that it would be very slow > connect rates. In other words the magic jack would be using omputer resource > to get the incoming call then the modem would use more of the computer > resources to process the data then the software reciving the data would also > using resources where as using a network capable magic jack you are using le > of the computers resources. I'd be astonished to see if a 5 year old machine even *noticed* the load a MJ could put on it. The task it performs just isn't that compute intensive. g. --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32 * Origin: The Retro Archive (1:138/142) .