Subj : Magicjack and Modem test results To : mark lewis From : Gary Perkins Date : Wed Jan 30 2013 06:07 am Re: Magicjack and Modem test results By: mark lewis to Gary Perkins on Wed Jan 30 2013 02:53 am > > But they've also released a new Magicjack Plus, which has an > i've heard of those... but that's all... nothing on tv that explains > anything in 30 seconds... I got an email from them a while back pitching it, which explained it a little more. > that's cool... sounds like it might plug into a switch or router with that > capability ;) That's exactly right. > > If I can ever get caught up on my needs and get ahead on the bills, > > I wanna get one myself for a data line. :) > good luck there... i've been dealing with it for years and haven't made it > out yet :? Yep, been years here. I was unemployed for a few years until my son hit school age, and I was able to finally get childcare assistance. As my income went up, so did my I'd be doing fine if my car hadn't crapped out on me. Tried buying a cheap used car from someone, ended up with a lemon and had to get a used one off of a dealership, so now I'm stuck with a big car note AND full coverage insurance. :p --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32 * Origin: Southeast Texas BBS (1:393/31) .