Subj : MagicJack To : All From : Gary Perkins Date : Sat Feb 02 2013 08:54 pm Recently, it's been reported that analog modem over MagicJack has been working for some people. I just wanted to chip in my own two cents: if you're thinking of purchasing, your experience may vary. I'm using Time Warner Cable Roadrunner in Southeast Texas. I have a USB MagicJack plugged into an XP box with no processor load, lots of free memory, which is connected via ethernet directly into a router. I tried dialing four different systems. Initially, I got a decent 28.8 connection, but then it retrained annoyingly a few times before dropping carrier. Not useful at all. It pretty much got worse from there, never finding a good carrier. I tried forcing 14400, 9600, all the way to 300. I didn't bother with less. I tried various modulation standards, limiting the retraining speeds, and I tried giving my ethernet port the highest priority on the router. Eventually I plan on buying a Magicjack Plus and trying that. I just don't know if my latency here is the issue, or if it's going through a USB port on this particular system that's causing the latency; in any case, I thought I'd put this out there for anyone else giving it a go and running into problems; you're not the only one. :P --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32 * Origin: Southeast Texas BBS (1:393/31) .