Subj : Re: Analog modems in the digital age. To : Richard Menedetter From : James Digriz Date : Fri Apr 06 2018 07:57 am Richard Menedetter wrote to James Digriz: RM> Hi James! RM> RM> 04 Apr 2018 17:11, from James Digriz -> All: RM> RM> JD> Since I've just gotten back into BBS'ing and Fidonet, I thought I'd RM> JD> get some perspectives from folks on analog modems, the PSTN, RM> JD> and dial-up BBS'ing. RM> RM> From my point of view analog modems, PSTN and BBSes are completely RM> irrelevant nowadays. RM> There seem to be some people who, for whatever reason, still have BBSes, RM> but all that I know use IP communication like SSH or (jikes :( ) telnet. RM> RM> CU, Ricsi RM> RM> --- GoldED+/LNX RM> * Origin: Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines. RM> (2:310/31) RM> Hi Richard. Yes, it seems irrelevant, yes. Maybe not to a 711 user, or somebody maintaining a network of field data sensors, legacy alarm systems, etc, but to most people, it probably is. And I guess that's my real concern. I'm just suspicious of monocultures. Much has been made in recent years of the possible effects of a natural or man-made EMP event for instance. Fiber is less vulnerable there, but then it doesn't run off batteries, either. More to the point, in my opinion, there need to be infrastructure alternatives to the Panopticon. Even the NSA agrees. Or it did in 2003, anyway. Perhaps it was pre-Patriot Act, pre-Cheney et al. inertia, or not, but a significant part of V.150.1 addressed the need for *secure* communications, apparently at the US DoD's behest. Greetings, James Digriz email: --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.4 (GNU/Linux-x86_64) * Origin: DragonsWeb Labs (1:123/755) .