Subj : Should EMulation.... To : Amcleod From : Hax0r Date : Fri Jun 09 2000 03:18 pm RE: Should EMulation.... BY: Amcleod to Tinman on Fri Jun 09 2000 04:25 am > As for suing Napster - why not? They knowingly allow this to happen, and th > blatantly have this "Wotcha gonna do about it?" attitude. Well, if a SysOp > the blatant policy of letting his BBS be used to pass kiddiPr0n around, he'd > axed and good riddance. Why not napster? Because they are richer? There's one simple reason..... The kiddie porn is stored on the sysops hard drive, something that is physically owned and typically located on the sysops premises. The metallica files reside on someone elses machine -- someone with no association with napster. Using your line of thinking one could sue the government for facilitating the internet which allows for irc warez channels which in turn are used to propogate warez sites...etc .