Subj : Should EMulation.... To : Gamma Ray From : Amcleod Date : Tue Jul 04 2000 11:11 pm RE: Should EMulation.... BY: Gamma Ray to Gamma Ray on Wed Jul 05 2000 03:29 am > I understand that they would want to make money on their music, but instead > charging for the music, they should be charging for merchandise and ticket > sales. theres PLENTY of money just on that. Charging for music is rediculo > because its just so easily shared. Whether or not I agree with you or not, is immaterial. It only matters whether _THEY_ agree with you. The idea of "Intellectual Property" is one supported by law. If they create music (write it and record it) and they decide that they will sell it for an agreed sum, then they will get sales (or not) as the whim of the public chooses. If nobody buys the music because it is too expensive or the music is lousey, then they are SOL. If nobody buys it because _you_ decide it is morally _wrong_ to sell music (they should live off the merchandizing alone) so _you_ unilaterally distribute copies free.... Well I think you get the picture. As someone who works in an industry founded on the concept of IP, it is no surprise that I support the concept. If I write software and give it away (I've done this in the past) then that is _my_ choice. But I also make my living by producing software and getting paid for my efforts. I don't think any un-connected third party has a right to decide that I should start earning my living from "support" contracts or "merchandizing" of the business systems that I produce. If someone - even the vast majority of someones - believes that things would be better for me if I _did_ switch to that business model, the fact remains that _I_ disagree, and since _I_ am the owner of the IP in question, _my_ opinion is the only one that counts. The same can be said for those who create music. I would be very glad if the artists I like best were to give away CD's or make ISO images available for download. In the same way that I'm glad Digital Man decided to make Synchronet free software. But the fact remains that I hold/held a valid 4-node Synchronet registration, which cost me I forget exactly how much but it must have been a couple hundred bucks. And while I am the proud owner of a free copy of Weedpuller's "Congenital" album, I also paid the going rate for a copy of "Girth". When I registered Synchronet, I would have spurned any offer of a cracked copy by any warez-merchant, and in the same way I would have rejected an offer to download "Girth" for free from some third party. Because both instances would have been theft. .