Subj : Re: HR 5102 & S 2905 To : Moondog From : Nodoka Hanamura Date : Mon Oct 28 2019 04:45 am On 28 Oct 2019, Moondog said the following... Mo> Something I notice all the candidates and most politicians do is step soft Mo> around the subject of urban violence. On a fourth of July weekend more Mo> people die in Chicago than all the mass shootings combined. It doesn't fi Mo> the mainstream narratives of hate filled paranoid fanatics and domestic Mo> terrorists, and it seems like a taboo to talk about people of certain race Mo> or nationalities without automatically being declared a rascist. That's a big problem with the DNC - they tiptoe around things to not be 'racist', 'sexist', or 'transphobic/homophobic'. I'm probably one of the people they hate the most, being a bisexual transgender woman who believes that my right to defend myself with a firearm should never be infringed, and that a 1911 is more effective at putting whatever ill-mannered person who wants me dead, be they some religous zealot or just a dimestore crook - in the ground than calling a cop with a 3-5 minute response time where i'll inevitably be shot, stabbed or kidnapped by the time they're on scene. It's not so much we have paranoid fanatics (though they are fanatics to an extent) and domestic terrorists in this country, as it is extremists and people who are clearly mentally unwell (The former are a very vocal minority in some areas, to the chagrin of anyone with a functioning cranium). Mental health if anything is something that is overlooked in these incidents, and like what happened in Christchurch, there's often political components to those mental issues, in what drive them to the breaking point. I don't claim to be the prime of mental health (As I've got Aspergers, ADHD, Anxiety issues and Gender Dysphoria), but I at least try my damndest to get a grip on myself and keep myself from doing overly rash things. Another problem, as you mentioned, was with inner city crime. There's a multitude of factors regarding why it's so prevalent in some cities. You could point out high school dropout rates among different races and try to curb them through initiatives, you could point out drug use and try to take the switzerland approach and try to locally legalize soft drugs like pot, and provide government-funded aid for those addicted to drugs like heroin or meth. One of the big ones, and I know from experience as my sister had spent time in Jail for drug offenses - is that many people who get arrested for drugs aren't even hardened criminals, and once they're in the system they're fucked for quite a while, if not the rest of their lives. You could pin part of the gun crime problem on that - on how your regular joe or jane gets put in the slammer and has no choice but to turn to crime when they can't find employment due to a criminal record, and on top of that, they return to drugs and eventually overdose because they're not provided the tools to rehabilitate themselves. In Kentucky, we have such a system like that, but it still requires you to be in jail for a set period. You could pin gun crime on a multitude of other factors as well, such as cultural divides and socio-economic issues, such as gentrification of certain neighborhoods causing cultural clashes as citizens are forced to move to more impoverished neighborhoods as a result thereby, among other socio-economic problems. I'm no analyst, but the gun crime problem is clearly being tackled incorrectly by the DNC. Probably because they have an ulterior motive to it - given how hard left it's become in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to take away firearms for the sake of trying to eventually install a more restrictive nanny state like what we're seeing in the UK. Born too Early to experience the scene. Born just in time to see it come back. Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32) * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS .