Subj : Re: Amazing To : Gamgee From : Weatherman Date : Wed Dec 30 2020 01:13 am -=> Gamgee wrote to Weatherman <=- We> I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack We> of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the We> recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the We> greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has We> faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big, We> fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment We> has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do, We> they'll come after the First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault We> has already begun. After the First is gone, then you'll find We> yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST We> of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is We> the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists We> solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill We> of Rights. Ga> Do you honestly believe that any of those Amendments are going to be Ga> repealed? Do you know what is required to take place for that to Ga> happen? Did you read the word "repeal" in any of my post? Of course I know what's required to repeal a Constitutional Amendment. It requires ANOTHER amendment. HOWEVER, many of our rights have ALREADY been sidestepped, eroded and maipulated through laws and regulations that bypass the Constitution. The Federal Firearms Act of 1938, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the "assault weapon" ban of the Clinton administration, Section 230, various provisions of the Patriot Act, FISA and so, so many other federal laws have put restrictions on personal liberties and rights that were originally protected under the Bill of Rights and yet... even without a constitutional amendment we find these rights have been trampled upon by our government. It takes a Constitutional Amenemdnet to repeal or alter the Constitution, but it does NOT take an Amendment to destroy our rights. Ga> For the record, I'm a staunch conservative, and hardcore supporter of Ga> the 2nd Amendment. I have owned LOTS of guns, before they were all Ga> tragically lost in a boating accident, of course. We> It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools We> any more. Ga> You may be able to find a remedial class at your local community Ga> college. Study up on what it takes to make (or repeal) a Ga> Constitutional Amendment. Then, come back here again and tell us what Ga> you think the odds of that actually happening are. Cheers! I don't need a remedial class. I see what's going on. And the odds of having the intent and purpose of the Second Amendment completely subverted are very high. Once that's done, you can kiss the rest of your rights good bye. .... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader! --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 þ Synchronet þ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY .