Subj : Re: Breaking News To : Tracker1 From : Weatherman Date : Wed May 05 2021 04:35 pm -=> Tracker1 wrote to Dr. What <=- >> I was thinking more along the lines of a lot of people like to hunt >> wildlife and need guns to do so. > > Yes, but the 2nd Amendmend is not about hunting. It's about being able to > resist tyranny. Which is why the Left is to eager to explain the 2nd > Amendment away. Tr> Beyond that if you look at the initial Militia Act, the purpose is Tr> completely clear. Every man of age (18yo) was required to own the most Tr> common firearm of the time along with some ammo. It was definitely not Tr> for hunting but for common defense. I don't think anyone involved in Tr> the discussion of the second amendment had any inclination to tether it Tr> to any government body, because at the time, it was obvious that has Tr> that right... which is why it's defined as a *right* to bear arms. Let us also not forget what the Founding Fathers thought about permanent, standing armies. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Standing armies [are] inconsistent with [a people's] freedom” and “completely adverse” to the “spirit of this country.” Pretty smart guys, those Founding Fathers. They were able to see 200 years into the future. .... The number you have dialed...Nine-one-one...has been changed. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 ž Synchronet ž The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY .