Subj : Re: Re: To : JIMMY ANDERSON From : Dumas Walker Date : Tue Jun 28 2022 04:47 pm > PF> I think they're more scared about the fact that mass shootings are > PF> becoming normalized in people's minds, because they happen so god > PF> damned often. > Interesting point... Of course you know the FBI definition of 'mass > shooting?' Before you look it up, think in YOUR mind what the term > makes you think of... In my mind it is when the shooter may have a specific target or two in mind but then shoots multiple persons beyond his target, or when someone just shoots indescriminantly into a crowd/building, etc., without any specific target and shoots multiple persons. However, in many recent lists, the press (and BBS posters) have included at least one school shooting where the kid shot the two people he apparently meant to, and no one else, despite having opportunity to do so. I don't know the FBI's definition, but apparently the press / non-2A definition is more than one person shot. * SLMR 2.1a * Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going? --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .