Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : Arelor From : Weatherman Date : Mon Jul 04 2022 01:39 am -=> Arelor wrote to Moondog <=- Ar> The advantage of open carry is that it normalizes having a gun. If half Ar> the population carries a gun but they are all concealed, then the Ar> population and politicians may perceive that gun owners are a tiny Ar> minority (after all, nobody sees them anymore, therefore they must not Ar> exist!) For me the primary benefit is ease of access and an increase in carry options. Carrying concealed usally means you have to adjust at least one piece of clothing to access the firearm, increasing the chance of a snag or a tangle or some other obstruction. Also it is more difficult to comfortably carry a full size pistol so one usually tends to resort to a compact or sub-compact. Nothing wrong with using those for defense, but I prefer the option of using my full size SW 645 or 1911 for defense. Hell, where I live I could openly carry my 6" GP-100 and nobody would blink an eye except to ask how I like it! Then again, I DO remember the day I saw a fellow carring a .454 Raging Bull in an Uncle Mike's ballistic nylon holster. Having one of those bitches myself and knowing what it's like to shoot, I'd have definitely opted for something different. .... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 þ Synchronet þ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY .