Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : Weatherman From : DaiTengu Date : Thu Jul 07 2022 09:55 am Re: Re: Gun Insurance By: Weatherman to Moondog on Mon Jul 04 2022 01:32 am We> Of course, I live in Wyoming. In Wyoming one must assume that at least 50% We> of those around you are carrying, concealed or open. Hmmm... funny thing.. We> I just realized.... I hear a lot fewer news stories regarding armed We> robbery here in WY than I did when I lived in NY. Geee...... I wonder why? Because there are far fewer people? Because the average income has gone up quickly in WY over the last 10 years, and cost of living has stayed quite low? Because Wyoming has a very low poverty rate compared to NY? so people don't have to resort to extreme measures to try and feed themselves or their families? I'm not saying all armed robbery cases are due to poverty, but the statistics show that a disproportionately large number of people who commit these crimes are often in terrible financial situations. For what it's worth, in 2017 Wyoming had the 8th highest number of gun deaths per capita, while New York was 49th. Illinois was 30th. These numbers, of course, include suicide, which is why Hawaii probably has the lowest number of gun deaths, as apparently everyone there is happy as fuck. Correlation does not imply causation. DaiTengu .... Extinction is the ultimate fate of all species. --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .