Subj : YouTube's war on adblock 📺, DeepMind robot demo 🤖, a Typescript standard library 👨‍💻 To : From : TLDR Date : Wed Apr 17 2024 10:39 am --LZ8R1CL8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable YouTube is strengthening its enforcement on third-party apps that violate= its Terms of Service, specifically ad-blocking apps=C2=A0=20 Sign Up [= 1] |Advertise [2]|View Online [3]=20 =09=09TLDR=20 TLDR 2024-04-17 = =F0=9F=93=B1=20 BIG TECH & STARTUPS YOUTUBE PUTS THIRD-PARTY CL= IENTS ON NOTICE: SHOW ADS OR GET BLOCKED (2 MINUTE READ) [4]=20 YouTu= be is strengthening its enforcement on third-party apps that violate its = Terms of Service, specifically ad-blocking apps. It recently made a post = on the official YouTube Community Help Forum putting third-party ad-block= ing apps on notice. People using these apps may start experiencing buffer= ing issues or errors when trying to watch videos.=20 BAIDU SAYS ERNIE= AI CHATBOT NOW HAS 200 MILLION USERS (2 MINUTE READ) [5]=20 Baidu's = ChatGPT-style chatbot Ernie Bot has doubled its number of users since Dec= ember. The chatbot now has over 200 million users and more than 85,000 en= terprise clients. Its API is being used 200 million times each day. Ernie= Bot was launched in March 2023 and released publicly last August. It is = competing with other Chinese generative AI models including Alibaba Group= 's Tongyi Qianwen, Tencent's Hunyuan, and Alibaba-backed Moonshot AI's Ki= mi.=20 =F0=9F=9A=80=20 SCIENCE & FUTURISTIC TECHNOLOGY ALOHA UN= LEASHED =F0=9F=8C=8B (3 MINUTE READ) [6]=20 ALOHA Unleashed by Google D= eepMind is a new generation of AI-powered robots with impressive dexterit= y. DeepMind recently released a series of videos showing the robots hangi= ng shirts, inserting precise gears, and even tying shoelaces. The robots = can generalize to untrained objects. The videos are available in the link= ..=20 NEW CHARGING ALGORITHM COULD DOUBLE LIFE OF LI-ION BATTERIES (3 = MINUTE READ) [7]=20 A team of researchers from Berlin has developed a c= harging solution that makes lithium-ion batteries last much longer than t= hey do now. It uses a pulsed current (PC) protocol that results in reduce= d mechanical stress and cracking in graphite particles within batteries a= nd suppressed structural degradation in cathodes. Using PC charging can= double the service life of commercial lithium-ion batteries with an 80= % capacity retention. High-frequency pulsing with square-wave current pro= duced the best results.=20 =F0=9F=92=BB=20 PROGRAMMING, DESIGN & DATA= SCIENCE GET AUTH0 BY OKTA =E2=80=94 FREE FOR UP TO 7,500 ACTIVE USER= S (SPONSOR) [8] There are many identity providers out there, but A= uth0 is the only one that's based on learnings from helping 18,000+ custo= mers [9]. Let Auth0 handle the complexities of secure authentication s= o you can focus on building your app. Create your no-code, branded login= experience now [8] EFFECT 3.0 (9 MINUTE READ) [10]=20 Effect 3= ..0 is the first stable release of the core Effect Ecosystem. Effect is a = TypeScript library that works in every runtime and project. It aims to so= lve some issues in TypeScript in areas such as dependency injection, erro= r management, data modeling, and logging. Effect was designed from day on= e with production-grade software in mind.=20 A QUICK POST ON CHEN'S A= LGORITHM (4 MINUTE READ) [11]=20 A recent paper authored by Yilei Chen = called 'Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems' has roiled the cryptogra= phy research community. The preprint, whose results are still being evalu= ated, claims a new quantum algorithm that efficiently solves the 'shortes= t independent vector problem' in lattices with specific parameters. If tr= ue, the result could allow future quantum computers to break schemes that= depend on the hardness of specific instances of these problems. If the= result can be improved upon, it could render an entire generation of '= post-quantum' lattice-based schemes obsolete, forcing cryptographers and = the industry back to the drawing board.=20 =F0=9F=8E=81=20 MISCELLANE= OUS HOW NEOPETS' NOSTALGIC REVIVAL TRIPLED USERS IN SIX MONTHS (9 MIN= UTE READ) [12]=20 Neopets announced a rebrand in 2023 and has been co= nsciously courting former fans with promises of reuniting them with old d= igital companions that have remained largely unchanged. The site's resurg= ence is led in large part by millennials, for whom the site brings feelin= gs of nostalgia. This article looks at Neopets' strong start, long decl= ine, and recent revival. Neopets' new owners seem to be actively engaging= with the community, with several projects aimed at working with fans to = improve the site and user experience.=20 THE INVISIBLE SEAFARING INDUST= RY THAT KEEPS THE INTERNET AFLOAT (58 MINUTE READ) [13]=20 A small nu= mber of ships maintain the subsea cables that carry 99% of the world's da= ta. Positioned in strategic locations around the planet, these ships stan= d ready to sail out and fix faults as soon as they are detected. This art= icle tells the story of how these ships operate and the problems they fac= e. Cable industry professionals perform a function vital to the world, wh= ich if done right, will continue to be unaware of their service.=20 = =E2=9A=A1=20 QUICK LINKS APPLE'S IOS 18 AI WILL BE ON-DEVICE, PRES= ERVING PRIVACY, AND NOT SERVER-SIDE (3 MINUTE READ) [14]=20 The initi= al batch of AI features on iOS 18 will function without the need for an i= nternet connection.=20 OPEN SOURCERS SAY SUSPECTED XZ-STYLE ATTACKS CON= TINUE TO TARGET MAINTAINERS (7 MINUTE READ) [15]=20 The attempt to pl= ant a backdoor into Linux's xz data compression library is likely not an = isolated incident.=20 TRYING OUT CLOUDFLARE'S `FOUNDATIONS` LIBRARY FOR= RUST (13 MINUTE READ) [16]=20 Cloudflare's `foundations` library is = a modular set of tools and utilities for building networked services/micr= oservices.=20 FAILURES, MISTAKES, AND CONFUSION (3 MINUTE READ) [17] = Basically every error handling model in program languages conflates= two or more separate concepts into a single system.=20 MKBHDS FOR EV= ERYTHING (21 MINUTE READ) [18]=20 MKBHD's review of the Humane Ai Pin h= as some people up in arms due to its title and thumbnail, sparking debate= about influencers and their responsibilities to the companies they talk = about.=20 PRISM IN 2024 (32 MINUTE READ) [19]=20 Prism is a parser = for the Ruby language exposed as both a C library and a Ruby library.=20 = Love TLDR? Tell your friends! Send them your referral link below t= o get TLDR swag!=20 [20]=20 =09=09= Track your referrals here. [21]=20 Want to advertise in TLDR? = =F0=9F=93=B0 If your company is interested in reaching an audience of= tech executives, decision-makers and engineers, you may want to ADVERTIS= E WITH US [22].=20 If you have any comments or feedback, just respond= to this email!=20 Thanks for reading,=20 Dan Ni [23] & Stephen Flanders= [24]=20 If you don't want to receive future editions of TLDR, please= =C2=A0unsubscribe [25].=20 =20 Links: ------ [1] https://tldr.tec= h/signup?utm_source=3Dtldr [2] tldr&utm_medium=3Dnewsletter&utm_campaign=3Dadvertisetopnav [3] https://a= 388dbdd6fd1&p=3D5bd0325a-fc8c-11ee-b789-d9ed4d96021c&pt=3Dcampaign&t=3D1713= 350348&s=3D44d39a3fef5dc11ddd523a51e6388eb57eacfd2b58970b1ed09e14b698e727e7= [4] third-party-clients-that-dont-show-ads/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [5] h= ttps:// rs-aa7381ee?st=3Dfa8i1m8899fg9ee&reflink=3Ddesktopwebshare_permalink&utm_so= urce=3Dtldrnewsletter [6] 273923?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [7] 35-new-charging-algorithm-could-double-life-li-ion.html?utm_source=3Dtldrne= wsletter [8] obal_mult_mult_all_ciam-all_dg-plg_auth0_display_tldr_newsletter_3p_PLG-TLD= R-FT_utm2&utm_medium=3Dcpc&utm_id=3DaNK4z000000UDAsGAO [9] https://auth0.= com/blog/why-auth0-by-okta/?utm_source=3Dtldr&utm_campaign=3Dglobal_mult_mu= lt_all_ciam-all_dg-plg_auth0_display_tldr_newsletter_3p_PLG-TLDR-WhyAuth0_u= tm2&utm_medium=3Dcpc&utm_id=3DaNK4z000000UDAxGAO [10] https://effect.webs= ite/blog/effect-3.0?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [11] https://blog.cryptog= =3Dtldrnewsletter [12] /neopets-revival-millennial-gaming-nostalgia?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter = [13] ir-ships?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [14] es/24/04/15/apples-ios-18-ai-will-be-on-device-preserving-privacy-and-not-s= erver-side?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [15] 024/04/16/xz_style_attacks_continue/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [16] htt= ps:// ce=3Dtldrnewsletter [17] fusion.html?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [18] /mkbhds-for-everything/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [19] https://railsats= [20] https= :// [21] /1 [22] etter&utm_campaign=3Dadvertisecta [23] [24]= [25] https://actions.tldrnewsletter.= com/unsubscribe?ep=3D1&l=3Dcfa2d55a-b7be-11e8-a3c9-06b79b628af2&lc=3Db5bb39= ac-a04f-11ee-8692-6388dbdd6fd1&p=3D5bd0325a-fc8c-11ee-b789-d9ed4d96021c&pt= =3Dcampaign&pv=3D4&spa=3D1713348078&t=3D1713350348&s=3Dc05578c2f0ba3cfa613f= 8008f759a50a838d0e74b25f366d7cae6c0f203d6fa0 --LZ8R1CL8 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
YouTube is strengthening its enforcement on third-party apps that violat= e its Terms of Service, specifically ad-blocking apps 


TLDR 2024-04-17

=F0=9F= =93=B1

Big Tech & Startups

YouTube puts third-party cl= ients on notice: Show ads or get blocked (2 minute read)

YouTube is strengthening its enforcemen= t on third-party apps that violate its Terms of Service, specifically ad-bl= ocking apps. It recently made a post on the official YouTube Community Help= Forum putting third-party ad-blocking apps on notice. People using these a= pps may start experiencing buffering issues or errors when trying to watch = videos.
Baidu Says Ernie AI Chatbot= Now Has 200 Million Users (2 minute read)

Baidu's ChatGPT-style chatbot Ernie Bot= has doubled its number of users since December. The chatbot now has over 2= 00 million users and more than 85,000 enterprise clients. Its API is being = used 200 million times each day. Ernie Bot was launched in March 2023 and r= eleased publicly last August. It is competing with other Chinese generative= AI models including Alibaba Group's Tongyi Qianwen, Tencent's Hunyuan, and= Alibaba-backed Moonshot AI's Kimi.
=F0=9F= =9A=80

Science & Futuristic Technology

ALOHA Unleashed =F0=9F=8C= =8B (3 minute read)

ALOHA Unleashed by Google DeepMind is a= new generation of AI-powered robots with impressive dexterity. DeepMind re= cently released a series of videos showing the robots hanging shirts, inser= ting precise gears, and even tying shoelaces. The robots can generalize to = untrained objects. The videos are available in the link.
New charging algorithm coul= d double life of li-ion batteries (3 minute read)

A team of researchers from Berlin has d= eveloped a charging solution that makes lithium-ion batteries last much lon= ger than they do now. It uses a pulsed current (PC) protocol that results i= n reduced mechanical stress and cracking in graphite particles within batte= ries and suppressed structural degradation in cathodes. Using PC charging c= an double the service life of commercial lithium-ion batteries with an 80% = capacity retention. High-frequency pulsing with square-wave current produce= d the best results.
=F0=9F= =92=BB

Programming, Design & Data Science

Get Auth0 by Okta =E2=80=94= FREE for up to 7,500 active users (Sponsor)

There are many identity providers out t= here, but Auth0 is the only one that's based on learnings from helpi= ng 18,000+ customers.

Let Auth0 handle the complexities of secure authentication so you can fo= cus on building your app. = Create your no-code, branded login experience now

Effect 3.0 (9 minute read)<= /strong>

Effect 3.0 is the first stable release = of the core Effect Ecosystem. Effect is a TypeScript library that works in = every runtime and project. It aims to solve some issues in TypeScript in ar= eas such as dependency injection, error management, data modeling, and logg= ing. Effect was designed from day one with production-grade software in min= d.
A quick post on Chen's algo= rithm (4 minute read)

A recent paper authored by Yilei Chen c= alled 'Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems' has roiled the cryptography= research community. The preprint, whose results are still being evaluated,= claims a new quantum algorithm that efficiently solves the 'shortest indep= endent vector problem' in lattices with specific parameters. If true, the r= esult could allow future quantum computers to break schemes that depend on = the hardness of specific instances of these problems. If the result can be = improved upon, it could render an entire generation of 'post-quantum' latti= ce-based schemes obsolete, forcing cryptographers and the industry back to = the drawing board.
=F0=9F= =8E=81


<= /div>
How Neopets' nostalgic revi= val tripled users in six months (9 minute read)

Neopets announced a rebrand in 2023 and= has been consciously courting former fans with promises of reuniting them = with old digital companions that have remained largely unchanged. The site'= s resurgence is led in large part by millennials, for whom the site brings = feelings of nostalgia. This article looks at Neopets' strong start, long de= cline, and recent revival. Neopets' new owners seem to be actively engaging= with the community, with several projects aimed at working with fans to im= prove the site and user experience.
The invisible seafaring ind= ustry that keeps the internet afloat (58 minute read)

A small number of ships maintain the su= bsea cables that carry 99% of the world's data. Positioned in strategic loc= ations around the planet, these ships stand ready to sail out and fix fault= s as soon as they are detected. This article tells the story of how these s= hips operate and the problems they face. Cable industry professionals perfo= rm a function vital to the world, which if done right, will continue to be = unaware of their service.
=E2=9A= =A1

Quick Links

Apple's iOS 18 AI will be o= n-device, preserving privacy, and not server-side (3 minute read)

The initial batch of AI features on iOS= 18 will function without the need for an internet connection.
Open sourcers say suspected= xz-style attacks continue to target maintainers (7 minute read)

The attempt to plant a backdoor into Li= nux's xz data compression library is likely not an isolated incident.
Trying Out Cloudflare's `fo= undations` Library for Rust (13 minute read)

Cloudflare's `foundations` library is a= modular set of tools and utilities for building networked services/microse= rvices.
Failures, mistakes, and con= fusion (3 minute read)

Basically every error handling model in= program languages conflates two or more separate concepts into a single sy= stem.
MKBHDs For Everything (21 m= inute read)

MKBHD's review of the Humane Ai Pin has= some people up in arms due to its title and thumbnail, sparking debate abo= ut influencers and their responsibilities to the companies they talk about.
Prism in 2024 (32 minute re= ad)

Prism is a parser for the Ruby language= exposed as both a C library and a Ruby library.

Love TLDR? Tell your friends!

Send them your referral link below to get TLDR swag!
Track your referrals here.

Want to advertise in TLDR? =F0=9F=93=B0

If your company is interested in reaching an audience of tech executives, d= ecision-makers and engineers, you may want to advertise with us.

If you have any comments or feedback, just respond to this email!

Thanks for reading,
Dan Ni &a= mp; Stephen = Flanders

If you don't want to receive fu= ture editions of TLDR, please unsubscribe.

3D"" --LZ8R1CL8-- .