Subj : Siri's AI upgrade 🤖, Tesla Supercharger chaos ⚡, AI engineer burnout 👨‍💻 To : From : TLDR Date : Mon May 06 2024 10:46 am --7NM6aRCU Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Safari, Spotlight Search, and Siri will gain significant AI-related enhan= cements. Apple's AI model will generate basic responses entirely on-devic= e.=C2=A0=20 Sign Up [1] |Advertise [2]|View Online [3]=20 =09=09TLDR= =20 =09=09TOGETHER WITH [Incogni] [4] TLDR 2024-05-06 NEW TLD= R NEWSLETTER IN YOUR INBOX IS GREAT, BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE SPAMMERS FILLIN= G IT UP WITH JUNK? (SPONSOR) [4]=20 Spam doesn't end with emails= =E2=80=94it's also pushed to the limit with robocalls, targeted ads, and = your data exposed to anyone with a couple of bucks to spare. In a di= gital world, protecting your privacy is crucial, and now you can do it wi= th _INCOGNI_ [4]. It's a personal data removal tool [4] that deletes your= information from over 180 data brokers [4] and people search sites, wher= e anyone can find your or your relatives' information. Ensure your i= nformation's security, prevent ID theft, eliminate spam & robocalls, and = more. _GET A -55% DISCOUNT ON THE ANNUAL PLAN WITH CODE TLDR55_ [4]_._= With a 30-day money-back guarantee, say farewell to those pesky spa= mmers without worry! =F0=9F=93=B1=20 BIG TECH & STARTUPS SIRI= FOR IOS 18 TO GAIN MASSIVE AI UPGRADE VIA APPLE'S AJAX LLM (7 MINUTE REA= D) [5]=20 Safari, Spotlight Search, and Siri will gain significant AI-r= elated enhancements with the release of iOS 18. One of the key features i= n the works for Safari is text summarization. Siri will also receive a = similar update, allowing it to generate responses to relay the content of= messages in a simplified way. Apple's AI model will generate basic respo= nses entirely on-device. More advanced replies or text summaries will nee= d server-side processing.=20 READ THE WILD EMAIL TESLA IS SENDING TO SU= PPLIERS AMID SUPERCHARGER CHAOS (8 MINUTE READ) [6]=20 Tesla sent out= an email to suppliers showing how chaotic the decision-making leading up= to the company firing its entire Supercharging team was. The email shows= there was a lack of structure and consideration in the decision to fire = the team. It mentions that suppliers are expected to be paid, suggesting = that Tesla is behind on its payment obligations. The email asks suppliers= to continue construction on active projects but to hold on breaking grou= nd or doing pre-construction site walks. A copy of the email is available= in the article.=20 =F0=9F=9A=80=20 SCIENCE & FUTURISTIC TECHNOLOGY= THE TEENS MAKING FRIENDS WITH AI CHATBOTS (12 MINUTE READ) [7]=20 = Many young users have discovered AI companions. While chatbots have b= een described as helpful, entertaining, and supportive, some users descri= be feeling addicted to them. This is raising questions about how AI is im= pacting young people and their social development and what would happen i= f society becomes more emotionally reliant on bots.=20 WORLD'S 1ST 'TOO= TH REGROWTH MEDICINE' TO BE TESTED IN JAPAN FROM SEPT. 2024 (2 MINUTE REA= D) [8]=20 Trials of the world's first tooth regrowth medicine are set t= o commence in September at Kyoto University Hospital. The researchers b= ehind the medicine hope to start selling it in 2030. There have been no m= ajor side effects confirmed in animal studies to date. The medicine deact= ivates a protein called USAG-1, which inhibits the growth of teeth. The m= edicine is currently targeted at patients congenitally lacking a full set= of teeth.=20 =F0=9F=92=BB=20 PROGRAMMING, DESIGN & DATA SCIENCE = MAKING SENSE OF AWS CONTAINER ENVIRONMENTS (SPONSOR) [9]=20 In this= eBook, Datadog and AWS [9] share insights into the changing state of con= tainers in the cloud and explore why orchestration technologies are an es= sential part of managing ever-changing containerized workloads. You'll al= so learn strategies and key metrics [9] to track containerized AWS applic= ations at scale. Read it for free here [9]=20 FIGMA'S JOURNEY TO TYPE= SCRIPT (20 MINUTE READ) [10]=20 This article discusses how the team at = Figma automatically migrated Skew, a custom programming language, to Type= Script without disrupting a single day of development. Figma created Skew= to squeeze additional performance out of its playback engine. Using Skew= made it difficult to onramp new hires. Skew couldn't easily integrate wi= th the rest of Figma's code base and it was missing a developer ecosystem= outside of Figma. Using TypeScript enabled streamlined integration, mode= rn JavaScript features, and seamless onboarding.=20 HOW I GOT PROMOTE= D AS A STAFF SOFTWARE ENGINEER (6 MINUTE READ) [11]=20 This article dis= cusses how a senior frontend engineer and team lead decided to take on mo= re responsibilities at their existing company and worked to get promoted = as a staff software engineer. Before asking for more responsibilities, th= ey demonstrated to their CTO that they were excelling at their current ro= le. They then asked for more responsibility and then doubled down on thei= r efforts and shipped more things. The engineer was eventually able to de= monstrate undeniably that they were capable of working at a higher level = than their current role and pushed for a promotion, which was granted. = =F0=9F=8E=81=20 MISCELLANEOUS AI ENGINEERS REPORT BURNOUT AN= D RUSHED ROLLOUTS AS 'RAT RACE' TO STAY COMPETITIVE HITS TECH INDUSTRY (1= 5 MINUTE READ) [12]=20 Accelerated timelines, competition, and a lack o= f concern from superiors about real-world effects are themes common acros= s a broad spectrum of the biggest effect companies. Engineers are increas= ingly saying that a large part of their jobs is focused on satisfying i= nvestors and not falling behind in the competition rather than solving ac= tual problems for users. Some have been switched over to AI teams to help= support fast-paced rollouts without adequate training, even if they are = new to the technology. The immense pressure, long hours, and constantly c= hanging mandates are causing burnout.=20 THE BUSINESS OF WALLETS (33 MI= NUTE READ) [13]=20 This article discusses digital wallets - electronic = systems that hold money. It covers the regulations surrounding them, thei= r history, different types of wallet products, and more. The article deta= ils the various revenue streams that wallets use to make wallet providers= money.=20 =E2=9A=A1=20 QUICK LINKS NEAT BAR GENERATION 2 = =E2=80=94 UNBELIEVABLY CRISP HYBRID MEETINGS (SPONSOR) [14]=20 The Ne= at.Bar Generation 2 brings clarity beyond compare to your meeting spaces = with a powerful-but-simple combo of cameras, microphone, speakers, and ma= chine learning. See the specs [14]=20 WHY I'M OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE TECH= RECESSION (6 MINUTE READ)=20 The tech recession will mean companies wi= ll need good ideas that actually work - it will also force workers to dev= elop better skills.=20 MICROSOFT TIES EXECUTIVE PAY TO SECURITY FOLLOWI= NG MULTIPLE FAILURES AND BREACHES (4 MINUTE READ) [15]=20 Microsoft's= Secure Future Initiative will make its Senior Leadership Team's pay part= ially dependent on whether the company is meeting its security plans and = milestones, although it is unclear how much executive pay would be depend= ent on meeting those goals.=20 AI COPILOTS ARE CHANGING HOW CODING IS T= AUGHT (4 MINUTE READ) [16]=20 Educators are shifting away from syntax a= nd emphasizing higher-level skills.=20 WHO PAYS YOU? AND WHY? (9 MINU= TE READ) [17]=20 Asking yourself these questions can help you confront = the reality of what it will take to get to the next level of your career.= =20 HOW TO BUILD A $20 BILLION SEMICONDUCTOR FAB (37 MINUTE READ) [18] = Manipulating huge volumes of matter on the atomic level repeatedly= and reliably 24 hours a day 365 days a year is an enormously expensive= undertaking.=20 MICROSOFT PLANS TO LOCK DOWN WINDOWS DNS LIKE NEVER = BEFORE. HERE'S HOW (3 MINUTE READ) [19]=20 Zero trust DNS (ZTDNS) enc= rypts and cryptographically authenticates connections between end-user cl= ients and DNS servers and enables administrators to tightly restrict the = domains these servers will resolve.=20 Want to advertise in TLDR? = =F0=9F=93=B0 If your company is interested in reaching an audience of= tech executives, decision-makers and engineers, you may want to ADVERTIS= E WITH US [20].=20 If you have any comments or feedback, just respond= to this email!=20 Thanks for reading,=20 Dan Ni & Stephen Flanders=20 = If you don't want to receive future editions of TLDR, please=C2=A0unsu= bscribe [21].=20 =20 Links: ------ [1] tm_source=3Dtldr [2] edium=3Dnewsletter&utm_campaign=3Dadvertisetopnav [3] https://a.tldrnewsl= 45a5d8b4-0b81-11ef-bd51-49bfb7c5fc49&pt=3Dcampaign&t=3D1714992414&s=3Dfa288= bbe9d834f5aafafec24e5fbab3d0679458baaae03259f14372d522d1524 [4] https://g= pril22 [5] gain-massive-ai-upgrade-via-apples-ajax-llm?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [= 6] uppliers-amid-supercharger-chaos/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [7] https:/= / source=3Dtldrnewsletter [8] /p2a/00m/0sc/012000c?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [9] https://www.datadogh= m=3Dnewsletter&utm_campaign=3Ddg-infra-ww-aws-containers-ebook-tldr [10] = custom-programming-language/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [11] https://blo= r [12] ace-to-stay-competitive-hits-tech.html?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [13] h= ttps:// =3Dtldrnewsletter [14] m=3Demail&utm_campaign=3Dtldr [15] chnology/2024/05/microsoft-ties-executive-pay-to-security-following-multipl= e-failures-and-breaches/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [16] https://spectru= [17] https://www.modernd= [18] https:= // m_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [19] icrosoft-plans-to-lock-down-windows-dns-like-never-before-heres-how/?utm_so= urce=3Dtldrnewsletter [20] &utm_medium=3Dnewsletter&utm_campaign=3Dadvertisecta [21] https://a.tldrn= c=3Db5bb39ac-a04f-11ee-8692-6388dbdd6fd1&p=3D45a5d8b4-0b81-11ef-bd51-49bfb7= c5fc49&pt=3Dcampaign&pv=3D4&spa=3D1714989620&t=3D1714992414&s=3D43279c426ee= ea4d808d1ecaa68624ed0716d136d36d032a4dc0472a3e4e9ae57 --7NM6aRCU Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable TLDR
Safari, Spotlight Search, and Siri will gain significant AI-related enha= ncements. Apple's AI model will generate basic responses entirely on-d= evice. 


Together With 3D"Incogni"

TLDR 2024-05-06

New TLDR newsletter in your= inbox is great, but what about those spammers filling it up with junk? (Sp= onsor)

Spam doesn't end with emails=E2=80=94it= 's also pushed to the limit with robocalls, targeted ads, and your data exp= osed to anyone with a couple of bucks to spare.

In a digital world= , protecting your privacy is crucial, and now you can do it with Incogni. It's a <= a href=3D" o%2Faff_c%3Foffer_id=3D1151%26aff_id=3D16286%26url_id=3D1880%26source=3DApr= il22/4/0100018f4d837e84-fd62337f-5997-4464-ba85-14a48b7f63b6-000000/Q_qmHpp= NEOyUZ7cdKW-R2nJxYbFXuRNTOjIE-1LTPtY=3D351" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer nofo= llow" target=3D"_blank">personal data removal tool that de= letes your information from over 180 data br= okers and people search sites, where anyone can find your or you= r relatives' information.

Ensure your information's security, prevent ID theft, eliminate spam &am= p; robocalls, and more.

Get a -55% discount on the = annual plan with code TLDR55.

With a 30-day money-back guarantee, say farewell to those pesky spammers= without worry!

=F0=9F= =93=B1

Big Tech & Startups

Siri for iOS 18 to gain mas= sive AI upgrade via Apple's Ajax LLM (7 minute read)

Safari, Spotlight Search, and Siri will= gain significant AI-related enhancements with the release of iOS 18. One o= f the key features in the works for Safari is text summarization. Siri will= also receive a similar update, allowing it to generate responses to relay = the content of messages in a simplified way. Apple's AI model will generate= basic responses entirely on-device. More advanced replies or text summarie= s will need server-side processing.
Read the wild email Tesla i= s sending to suppliers amid Supercharger chaos (8 minute read)

Tesla sent out an email to suppliers sh= owing how chaotic the decision-making leading up to the company firing its = entire Supercharging team was. The email shows there was a lack of structur= e and consideration in the decision to fire the team. It mentions that supp= liers are expected to be paid, suggesting that Tesla is behind on its payme= nt obligations. The email asks suppliers to continue construction on active= projects but to hold on breaking ground or doing pre-construction site wal= ks. A copy of the email is available in the article.
=F0=9F= =9A=80

Science & Futuristic Technology

The teens making friends wi= th AI chatbots (12 minute read)

Many young users have discovered AI com= panions. While chatbots have been described as helpful, entertaining, and s= upportive, some users describe feeling addicted to them. This is raising qu= estions about how AI is impacting young people and their social development= and what would happen if society becomes more emotionally reliant on bots.
World's 1st 'tooth regrowth= medicine' to be tested in Japan from Sept. 2024 (2 minute read)

Trials of the world's first tooth regro= wth medicine are set to commence in September at Kyoto University Hospital.= The researchers behind the medicine hope to start selling it in 2030. Ther= e have been no major side effects confirmed in animal studies to date. The = medicine deactivates a protein called USAG-1, which inhibits the growth of = teeth. The medicine is currently targeted at patients congenitally lacking = a full set of teeth.
=F0=9F= =92=BB

Programming, Design & Data Science

Making sense of AWS contain= er environments (Sponsor)

In this eBook, = Datadog and AWS share insights into the changing state of = containers in the cloud and explore why orchestration technologies are an e= ssential part of managing ever-changing containerized workloads. You'll als= o learn strategies and key metrics= to track containerized AWS applications at scale. = Read it for free here
Figma's journey to TypeScri= pt (20 minute read)

This article discusses how the team at = Figma automatically migrated Skew, a custom programming language, to TypeSc= ript without disrupting a single day of development. Figma created Skew to = squeeze additional performance out of its playback engine. Using Skew made = it difficult to onramp new hires. Skew couldn't easily integrate with the r= est of Figma's code base and it was missing a developer ecosystem outside o= f Figma. Using TypeScript enabled streamlined integration, modern JavaScrip= t features, and seamless onboarding.
How I got promoted as a sta= ff software engineer (6 minute read)

This article discusses how a senior fro= ntend engineer and team lead decided to take on more responsibilities at th= eir existing company and worked to get promoted as a staff software enginee= r. Before asking for more responsibilities, they demonstrated to their CTO = that they were excelling at their current role. They then asked for more re= sponsibility and then doubled down on their efforts and shipped more things= .. The engineer was eventually able to demonstrate undeniably that they were= capable of working at a higher level than their current role and pushed fo= r a promotion, which was granted.
=F0=9F= =8E=81


<= /div>
AI engineers report burnout= and rushed rollouts as 'rat race' to stay competitive hits tech industry (= 15 minute read)

Accelerated timelines, competition, and= a lack of concern from superiors about real-world effects are themes commo= n across a broad spectrum of the biggest effect companies. Engineers are in= creasingly saying that a large part of their jobs is focused on satisfying = investors and not falling behind in the competition rather than solving act= ual problems for users. Some have been switched over to AI teams to help su= pport fast-paced rollouts without adequate training, even if they are new t= o the technology. The immense pressure, long hours, and constantly changing= mandates are causing burnout.
The business of wallets (33= minute read)

This article discusses digital wallets = - electronic systems that hold money. It covers the regulations surrounding= them, their history, different types of wallet products, and more. The art= icle details the various revenue streams that wallets use to make wallet pr= oviders money.
=E2=9A= =A1

Quick Links

Neat Bar Generation 2 =E2= =80=94 unbelievably crisp hybrid meetings (Sponsor)

The Neat.Bar Generation 2 brings clarit= y beyond compare to your meeting spaces with a powerful-but-simple combo of= cameras, microphone, speakers, and machine learning. See the specs
Why I'm Optimistic about th= e Tech Recession (6 minute read)

The tech recession will mean companies = will need good ideas that actually work - it will also force workers to dev= elop better skills.
Microsoft ties executive pa= y to security following multiple failures and breaches (4 minute read)

Microsoft's Secure Future Initiative wi= ll make its Senior Leadership Team's pay partially dependent on whether the= company is meeting its security plans and milestones, although it is uncle= ar how much executive pay would be dependent on meeting those goals.
AI Copilots Are Changing Ho= w Coding Is Taught (4 minute read)

Educators are shifting away from syntax= and emphasizing higher-level skills.
Who pays you? And why? (9 m= inute read)

Asking yourself these questions can hel= p you confront the reality of what it will take to get to the next level of= your career.
How to Build a $20 Billion = Semiconductor Fab (37 minute read)

Manipulating huge volumes of matter on = the atomic level repeatedly and reliably 24 hours a day 365 days a year is = an enormously expensive undertaking.
Microsoft plans to lock dow= n Windows DNS like never before. Here's how (3 minute read)

Zero trust DNS (ZTDNS) encrypts and cry= ptographically authenticates connections between end-user clients and DNS s= ervers and enables administrators to tightly restrict the domains these ser= vers will resolve.

Want to advertise in TLDR? =F0=9F=93=B0

If your company is interested in reaching an audience of tech executives, d= ecision-makers and engineers, you may want to advertise with us.

If you have any comments or feedback, just respond to this email!

Thanks for reading,
Dan Ni & Stephen Flanders

If you don't want to receive fu= ture editions of TLDR, please unsubsc= ribe.

3D"" --7NM6aRCU-- .