Subj : TikTok's US-only algo 📱, Starship plans orbital return 🚀, anti-patterns for eng leaders 👨‍💻 To : From : TLDR Date : Fri May 31 2024 10:34 am --dirQNyRQ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable TikTok is working on cloning its recommendation algorithm for US users. T= his may result in a version that operates independently of its Chinese pa= rent=C2=A0=20 Sign Up [1] |Advertise [2]|View Online [3]=20 =09=09TL= DR=20 =09=09TOGETHER WITH [Ryse] [4] TLDR 2024-05-31 THE WIND= OW TO INVEST IN THIS EMERGING TECH STARTUP IS CLOSING (SPONSOR) [4]=20 = Where were you when Amazon acquired Ring for $1B? Or when Google boug= ht Nest for a cool $3.2B? Hopefully, you were invested in those promis= ing startups. But for those that missed out, there's still a chance to ge= t in on the action with RYSE. Their automated window shade tech just= launched in +100 Best Buy stores with a deal similar to the ones that le= d Ring and Nest to their billion-dollar buyouts. But hurry, THEIR SHARE P= RICE HAS ALREADY GROWN 20% from their last round and the current offering= ends in 2 weeks [4]. Missed out on Ring and Nest? This is your chan= ce to secure your stake in the smart home market. 2 weeks left to in= vest - learn more here. [4] =F0=9F=93=B1=20 BIG TECH & STARTUPS = TIKTOK PREPARING A US COPY OF THE APP'S CORE ALGORITHM (4 MINUTE READ= ) [5]=20 TikTok is working on a clone of its recommendation algorithm f= or US users. This may result in a version that operates independently of = its Chinese parent, which may make it more palatable to lawmakers who wan= t to ban it. Work on the project started before the bill to force a sale= of TikTok's US operations began gaining steam in Congress this year. W= hile the project could lay the groundwork for a divestiture of TikTok's U= S assets, the company has no plans to sell its US assets.=20 SPACEX SEN= T STARSHIP TO ORBIT =E2=80=94 THE NEXT LAUNCH WILL TRY TO BRING IT BACK (= 3 MINUTE READ) [6]=20 SpaceX's Starship's next test flight could be on = June 5. The main objective of the test will be to evaluate the second sta= ge's reusable heat shield as the vehicle tries to safely reenter the atmo= sphere for the first time. Composed of around 18,000 ceramic hexagonal ti= les, the heat shield is vulnerable to even the loss of a single tile in m= ost places. SpaceX still needs to receive a commercial launch license fro= m the US FAA before the launch can move ahead.=20 =F0=9F=9A=80=20 S= CIENCE & FUTURISTIC TECHNOLOGY =E2=80=98SMART' ANTIBIOTIC CAN KILL DE= ADLY BACTERIA WHILE SPARING THE MICROBIOME (3 MINUTE READ) [7]=20 Gra= m-negative bacteria are often hardy, virulent, and quick to evolve resist= ance to antibiotics. Scientists have developed an antibiotic that kills p= athogenic Gram-negative bacteria without impairing the gut microbiome. St= ill untested in humans, the compound's usefulness will depend on whether = the bacteria will develop resistance to it in the long run. The time from= an antibiotic's discovery to its approval for clinical use can be more t= han two decades, and there is not much money to be made with a novel anti= biotic - around ten to twenty new Gram-negative antibiotics have been dis= covered in the past decade but none have gained approval from the US FDA.= =20 1-BIT LLMS COULD SOLVE AI'S ENERGY DEMANDS (3 MINUTE READ) [8]=20 = Large language models are demanding more and more energy and computat= ional power as they get better. These models need to shrink to become che= ap, fast, and environmentally friendly. Researchers use a process called = quantization to compress networks by reducing the precision of their para= meters. They are now pushing the envelope to single bit, producing models= that are faster and more energy efficient than their full-precision coun= terparts. The quantized versions of the models perform almost as well as = their original versions.=20 =F0=9F=92=BB=20 PROGRAMMING, DESIGN & DAT= A SCIENCE SPEND $1 TODAY, SAVE UP TO $2K ON YOUR NEXT VACATION (SPONS= OR) [9]=20 Ready to save up to $2,000 on every vacation for life? Dolla= r Flight Club [9] has your back=E2=80=94TRY IT FOR JUST $1 IF YOU SIGN UP= IN THE NEXT 12 HOURS [9]. That means; Hawaii from $174, Iceland from $21= 5, or Greece from $245 round trip. Join over 1 million members saving on= travel this year. Sign up now! [9]=20 UNEXPECTED ANTI-PATTERNS FOR E= NGINEERING LEADERS (32 MINUTE READ) [10]=20 Engineering teams consist= ing of a couple hundred people might cost $50 to $100 million a year in s= alary, so it is frustrating for executives when they hear that engineerin= g is an art and that outcomes are unpredictable. The misalignment between= engineering leaders and other executives often stems from a lack of flex= ibility - too many well-meaning engineering leaders go by the book of con= ventional leadership advice. Applying rules too universally turns them in= to anti-patterns. The key to effective leadership lies in figuring out = which scenarios are worth deliberately defying conventional logic and whe= n to simply follow the rules.=20 DON'T DRY YOUR CODE PREMATURELY (2 MIN= UTE READ) [11]=20 Before applying DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), consider= whether the deduplication is truly redundant or if the functionality wil= l need to evolve independently over time. Applying DRY principles too rig= idly leads to premature abstractions that make future changes more comple= x than necessary. While two sections of code may look the same, they co= uld serve different contexts and business requirements that evolve separa= tely over time. Keep code separate until enough common patterns emerge ov= er time to justify coupling the code together. Tolerate a little duplicat= ion in the early stages of development and wait to abstract.=20 = =F0=9F=8E=81=20 MISCELLANEOUS CHASING UTOPIA, STARTUP STYLE (32 MI= NUTE READ) [12]=20 Silicon Valley's tech barons have several projects t= o develop new frontiers for human life. The projects are based on the des= ire to withdraw from existing societies and their high taxes and regulati= ons. Stemming from a yearning for new forms of self-governance and citi= zenship, these political exit projects illuminate the real problems of so= ciety, like the failure of nation-states to respond adequately to modern = crises, disintegrating social cohesion, and the epidemic of loneliness. W= hile the idea of being a sovereign individual may sound appealing to Sili= con Valley billionaires, the world's most poor and desperate often experi= ence such lawless locales as antithetical to freedom as some of the worst= abuses flourish in the absence of the state.=20 GOOGLE WILL ROLL OUT= CHROME'S NEW EXTENSION SPEC NEXT WEEK (1 MINUTE READ) [13]=20 Google= will begin phasing out Manifest V2 on the Chrome Beta, Dev, and Canary c= hannels starting on June 3. Extensions will still work, but Google says i= t will disable them in browsers in the coming months before removing the = ability to use them completely. A full rollout is scheduled for the begin= ning of 2025. Manifest V3 has faced pushback over concerns it could limit= the effectiveness of ad blockers. Google has attempted to address develo= pers' main concerns by adding support for user scripts and increasing the= number of rule sets for an API used by ad blocking extensions.=20 = =E2=9A=A1=20 QUICK LINKS TECH GIANTS FORM AI GROUP TO COUNTER NVID= IA WITH NEW INTERCONNECT STANDARD (2 MINUTE READ) [14]=20 The Ultra A= ccelerator Link Promoter Group will develop a new interconnect standard f= or AI accelerator chips in data centers as an alternative to Nvidia's pro= prietary NVLink interconnect technology.=20 THE DECLINE OF THE USER INT= ERFACE (4 MINUTE READ) [15]=20 While software looks cooler than ever, u= ser interface design and the user experience have declined significantly.= =20 HOW ANTHROPIC DESIGNED ITSELF TO AVOID OPENAI'S MISTAKES (13 MINUTE= READ) [16]=20 As a public benefit corporation, Anthropic has a fiduc= iary obligation to increase profits for shareholders, but the board has l= egal room to prioritize safety over increasing profits and follow the com= pany's mission to ensure that transformative AI helps people and society= flourish.=20 SPACETOP, THE RADICAL NEW LAPTOP WITH NO SCREEN, IS REA= DY FOR LAUNCH (3 MINUTE READ) [17]=20 The Spacetop G1, a laptop that = swaps out a real display for a virtual one, will be available later this = year for $1,900.=20 PAUL GRAHAM CLAIMS SAM ALTMAN WASN'T FIRED FROM Y C= OMBINATOR (3 MINUTE READ) [18]=20 Paul Graham, the co-founder of Y Co= mbinator, has dismissed claims that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was pressured t= o resign from the startup accelerator in 2019 due to potential conflicts = of interest.=20 WHITHER UTOPIA? (14 MINUTE READ) [19]=20 We should = bring back the idea that life can be better and that we can work together= to bring forth a utopian existence.=20 Love TLDR? Tell your friends and= get rewards! Share your referral link below with friends to get free= TLDR swag!=20 [20]=20 =09=09 Trac= k your referrals here. [21]=20 Want to advertise in TLDR? =F0=9F=93= =B0 If your company is interested in reaching an audience of tech e= xecutives, decision-makers and engineers, you may want to ADVERTISE WITH = US [22].=20 If you have any comments or feedback, just respond to this = email!=20 Thanks for reading,=20 Dan Ni & Stephen Flanders=20 If you = don't want to receive future editions of TLDR, please unsubscribe from TL= DR [23] or manage all of your TLDR newsletter subscriptions [24].=20 = Links: ------ [1] [2= ] m_campaign=3Dadvertisetopnav [3] ?ep=3D1&lc=3Db5bb39ac-a04f-11ee-8692-6388dbdd6fd1&p=3D2868e4ee-1f22-11ef-83= 66-43ff22b8336a&pt=3Dcampaign&t=3D1717151684&s=3Dc932a8176f49f172835aec4cb7= e3faa707601177633d9244d843cdb6d22ebf2a [4] tnames=3Dloki,05-31-2024 [5] [6= ] launch-will-try-to-bring-it-back/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [7] https:/= / [= 8] [9] ht= tps:// [10] unexpected-anti-patterns-for-engineering-leaders-lessons-from-stripe-uber-c= arta/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [11] 4/05/dont-dry-your-code-prematurely.html?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [12]= wsletter [13] xtension-change-manifest-v3-ad-blockers?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [14] = group-to-counter-nvidia-with-new-interconnect-standard/?utm_source=3Dtldrne= wsletter [15] e-user-interface.html?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [16] 983420/anthropic-structure-openai-incentives/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter= [17] op-laptop-is-ready-to-launch.html?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [18] https:= // mbinator/?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [19] https://www.strangeloopcanon.c= om/p/whither-utopia?utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter [20] https://refer.tldr.t= ech/1fd848fa/ [21] [22] https= :// ign=3Dadvertisecta [23] =3Dcfa2d55a-b7be-11e8-a3c9-06b79b628af2&lc=3Db5bb39ac-a04f-11ee-8692-6388db= dd6fd1&p=3D2868e4ee-1f22-11ef-8366-43ff22b8336a&pt=3Dcampaign&pv=3D4&spa=3D= 1717149794&t=3D1717151684&s=3Dcc88ff734724e502079900e83433543b8fc971819bb53= 0d810eadd21c51283f3 [24] --dirQNyRQ Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable TLDR
TikTok is working on cloning its recommendation algorithm for US users. = This may result in a version that operates independently of its Chinese par= ent 


Together With 3D"Ryse"

TLDR 2024-05-31

The window to invest in thi= s emerging tech startup is closing (Sponsor)

Where were you when Amazon acquired Rin= g for $1B? Or when Google bought Nest for a cool $3.2B?

Hopefully,= you were invested in those promising startups. But for those that missed o= ut, there's still a chance to get in on the action with RYSE.

Their automated window shade tech just launched in +100 Best Buy = stores with a deal similar to the ones that led Ring and Nest to their bill= ion-dollar buyouts. But hurry, their share price has already grown = 20% from their last round and the current offering ends in 2 weeks= ..

Missed out on Ring and Nest? This is your chance to secure your stake in= the smart home market.

2 week= s left to invest - learn more here.

=F0=9F= =93=B1

Big Tech & Startups

TikTok preparing a US copy = of the app's core algorithm (4 minute read)

TikTok is working on a clone of its rec= ommendation algorithm for US users. This may result in a version that opera= tes independently of its Chinese parent, which may make it more palatable t= o lawmakers who want to ban it. Work on the project started before the bill= to force a sale of TikTok's US operations began gaining steam in Congress = this year. While the project could lay the groundwork for a divestiture of = TikTok's US assets, the company has no plans to sell its US assets.
SpaceX sent Starship to orb= it =E2=80=94 the next launch will try to bring it back (3 minute read)

SpaceX's Starship's next test flight co= uld be on June 5. The main objective of the test will be to evaluate the se= cond stage's reusable heat shield as the vehicle tries to safely reenter th= e atmosphere for the first time. Composed of around 18,000 ceramic hexagona= l tiles, the heat shield is vulnerable to even the loss of a single tile in= most places. SpaceX still needs to receive a commercial launch license fro= m the US FAA before the launch can move ahead.
=F0=9F= =9A=80

Science & Futuristic Technology

=E2=80=98Smart' antibiotic = can kill deadly bacteria while sparing the microbiome (3 minute read)

Gram-negative bacteria are often hardy,= virulent, and quick to evolve resistance to antibiotics. Scientists have d= eveloped an antibiotic that kills pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria without= impairing the gut microbiome. Still untested in humans, the compound's use= fulness will depend on whether the bacteria will develop resistance to it i= n the long run. The time from an antibiotic's discovery to its approval for= clinical use can be more than two decades, and there is not much money to = be made with a novel antibiotic - around ten to twenty new Gram-negative an= tibiotics have been discovered in the past decade but none have gained appr= oval from the US FDA.
1-bit LLMs Could Solve AI's= Energy Demands (3 minute read)

Large language models are demanding mor= e and more energy and computational power as they get better. These models = need to shrink to become cheap, fast, and environmentally friendly. Researc= hers use a process called quantization to compress networks by reducing the= precision of their parameters. They are now pushing the envelope to single= bit, producing models that are faster and more energy efficient than their= full-precision counterparts. The quantized versions of the models perform = almost as well as their original versions.
=F0=9F= =92=BB

Programming, Design & Data Science

Spend $1 Today, Save Up to = $2k on Your Next Vacation (Sponsor)

Ready to save up to $2,000 on every vac= ation for life? Dollar Fligh= t Club has your back=E2=80=94try it for just $1 if you sign up in the next 12 hours<= /strong>. That means; Hawaii from $174, Iceland from $215, or Gr= eece from $245 round trip. Join over 1 million members saving on travel thi= s year. Sign up now!<= /a>
Unexpected Anti-Patterns fo= r Engineering Leaders (32 minute read)

Engineering teams consisting of a coupl= e hundred people might cost $50 to $100 million a year in salary, so it is = frustrating for executives when they hear that engineering is an art and th= at outcomes are unpredictable. The misalignment between engineering leaders= and other executives often stems from a lack of flexibility - too many wel= l-meaning engineering leaders go by the book of conventional leadership adv= ice. Applying rules too universally turns them into anti-patterns. The key = to effective leadership lies in figuring out which scenarios are worth deli= berately defying conventional logic and when to simply follow the rules.
Don't DRY Your Code Prematu= rely (2 minute read)

Before applying DRY (Don't Repeat Yours= elf), consider whether the deduplication is truly redundant or if the funct= ionality will need to evolve independently over time. Applying DRY principl= es too rigidly leads to premature abstractions that make future changes mor= e complex than necessary. While two sections of code may look the same, the= y could serve different contexts and business requirements that evolve sepa= rately over time. Keep code separate until enough common patterns emerge ov= er time to justify coupling the code together. Tolerate a little duplicatio= n in the early stages of development and wait to abstract.
=F0=9F= =8E=81


<= /div>
Chasing Utopia, Startup Sty= le (32 minute read)

Silicon Valley's tech barons have sever= al projects to develop new frontiers for human life. The projects are based= on the desire to withdraw from existing societies and their high taxes and= regulations. Stemming from a yearning for new forms of self-governance and= citizenship, these political exit projects illuminate the real problems of= society, like the failure of nation-states to respond adequately to modern= crises, disintegrating social cohesion, and the epidemic of loneliness. Wh= ile the idea of being a sovereign individual may sound appealing to Silicon= Valley billionaires, the world's most poor and desperate often experience = such lawless locales as antithetical to freedom as some of the worst abuses= flourish in the absence of the state.
Google will roll out Chrome= 's new extension spec next week (1 minute read)

Google will begin phasing out Manifest = V2 on the Chrome Beta, Dev, and Canary channels starting on June 3. Extensi= ons will still work, but Google says it will disable them in browsers in th= e coming months before removing the ability to use them completely. A full = rollout is scheduled for the beginning of 2025. Manifest V3 has faced pushb= ack over concerns it could limit the effectiveness of ad blockers. Google h= as attempted to address developers' main concerns by adding support for use= r scripts and increasing the number of rule sets for an API used by ad bloc= king extensions.
=E2=9A= =A1

Quick Links

Tech giants form AI group t= o counter Nvidia with new interconnect standard (2 minute read)

The Ultra Accelerator Link Promoter Gro= up will develop a new interconnect standard for AI accelerator chips in dat= a centers as an alternative to Nvidia's proprietary NVLink interconnect tec= hnology.
The decline of the user int= erface (4 minute read)

While software looks cooler than ever, = user interface design and the user experience have declined significantly.
How Anthropic Designed Itse= lf to Avoid OpenAI's Mistakes (13 minute read)

As a public benefit corporation, Anthro= pic has a fiduciary obligation to increase profits for shareholders, but th= e board has legal room to prioritize safety over increasing profits and fol= low the company's mission to ensure that transformative AI helps people and= society flourish.
Spacetop, the radical new l= aptop with no screen, is ready for launch (3 minute read)

The Spacetop G1, a laptop that swaps ou= t a real display for a virtual one, will be available later this year for $= 1,900.
Paul Graham claims Sam Altm= an wasn't fired from Y Combinator (3 minute read)

Paul Graham, the co-founder of Y Combin= ator, has dismissed claims that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was pressured to resi= gn from the startup accelerator in 2019 due to potential conflicts of inter= est.
Whither Utopia? (14 minute = read)

We should bring back the idea that life= can be better and that we can work together to bring forth a utopian exist= ence.

Love TLDR? Tell your friends and get rewards!

Share your referral link below with friends to get free TLDR swag!
Track your referrals here.

Want to advertise in TLDR? =F0=9F=93=B0

If your company is interested in reaching an audience of tech executives, d= ecision-makers and engineers, you may want to advertise with us.

If you have any comments or feedback, just respond to this email!

Thanks for reading,
Dan Ni & Stephen Flanders

If you don't want to receive fu= ture editions of TLDR, please unsubscribe = from TLDR or manage all of your TLDR newsletter subscriptions<= /a>.

3D"" --dirQNyRQ-- .